目前分類:英文小品 (16)

瀏覽方式: 標題列表 簡短摘要

化妝品~~Makeup ; Cosmetic

眼影~~Eye shadow
單色眼影~~Single eye shadow
雙色眼影~~Eye shadow duo
三色眼影~~Trio eye shadow
眼線筆~~Eyeliner Pencil
眼線液~~Liquid Eyeliner
超長睫毛膏~~Exaggeration Lengthening Mascara
睫毛增強睫毛膏~~Lashes Intensifying Mascara
捲俏睫毛膏~~Curling Mascara
眉筆~~eyebrow pencil
眼唇筆~~Eye & Lip Pencil

唇筆~~Lip Pencil
脣膏;口紅~~Lipstick ; Rouge
薄透水潤脣膏~~Strictly Sheer Moisturizing Lipstick
超亮澤脣膏~~Pure Reflection Ultra-Shine Lipstick
保濕珠光脣膏~~Wet Pearl Lipstick
唇蜜~~ Lip Gloss ; Lacquer ; Luster
兩端都有的脣蜜~~Double-Ended Lip gloss
超水感脣蜜~~Mouth-Watering Lip Gloss
唇亮油~~ Shine Lip Lacquer ; Lip Shine ; Lip Polish
護脣膏~~Plump Your Pucker Lip Plumper ; Plump Lip Enhancer ; Lip Plumper ; Lip Balm ; soothing Lip Buffer
唇彩盤~~Lip Kit ; Lip Palette

腮紅(壓縮粉狀)~~Blush ; Blush Powder ;
腮紅(含保濕霜固體狀)~~ Cream Blush ; Creamy Moist Glow

彩妝盤(通常都包含了唇彩,眼影,腮紅等刷具組)~~Makeup Disk ; Face Kit ; Face Paint Palette

用於臉或身體的亮粉~~Glitter ; Shimmer

隔離霜~~Protect Base ; Block

粉餅~~Foundation ; Compact (如果有註明”refill”代表可替換粉芯)
潤色增亮粉餅~~Brightening Powder Foundation
蜜粉餅~~Pressed Powder
珠光效果的蜜粉~~Glistening Powder
飾底乳 / 霜(遮瑕膏 / 霜)~~Sensual Skin Enhancer ; Sensual Skin Primer ; Time Balm Concealer ; Corrector Concealer
(Can be worn alone or under foundation可以單獨使用也可以用於上粉底之前)
(Yellow corrects Dark Circles黃色的遮瑕膏可以改善黑眼圈Green corrects Redness 綠色可以改善泛紅)
粉凝霜~~Cream-to-Powder Foundation

指甲油~~Nail Polish ; Crystal Nail Lacquer
快乾指甲油~~Fast-dry Nail Color
化妝包~~Cosmetic Bags ; Cosmetic Case ; Makeup Bags ; Makeup Case
眼影刷~~Eye shadow Brush
雙頭的眼線刷~~Double-ended Eyelining Brush
睫毛夾~~The Eyelash Curler
睫毛刷~~Lash Definer
眉毛&睫毛刷~~Brow & Lash Comb
唇刷~~Lip Brush
削筆機~~Pencil Sharpener (眉筆 ; 唇筆 ; 眼線筆 ; 眼唇筆…..)
腮紅刷~~Blush Brush
可伸縮的腮紅刷~~Retractable Blush Brush
蜜粉刷~~Powder Brush
刷具清潔液~~Brush Cleaner

香水~~Fragrance ; Parfum Spray
身體噴霧~~Body Spray ; Body Splash

身體保養~~Body Care
身體霜~~Body Cream
身體乳霜(油)~~Body Butter
身體保濕乳液~~Body Moisturing Lotion
身體乳液~~Body Lotion
沐浴凝膠~~Shower Gel
沐浴按摩油~~Bath and Massage Oil
沐浴乳~~Body Wash
泡泡浴凝膠~~Bouncing Bubbles
身體去角質霜~~Body Scrub

護手霜(乳液)~~Hand Cream ; Hand Lotion
洗手乳~~Hand Cleanser

面膜~~Face Mask
深度白淨面膜~~Intensive Whitening Mask

腿部保養~~ Foot Care
腿部去角質霜~~Foot Scrub
腿霜~~Foot Cream
美化腳指甲護理~~Pretty Pedicure
腳指甲挫刀~~Foot File
腳後跟龜裂護理~~Cracked Heel Treatment

皮膚保養~~Skin Care
溫和洗面乳(皂)~~Gentle Cleansing Lotion ; Gentle Cleansing Foam ; Gentle Cleansing soap
溫和洗面霜~~Gentle Cleansing Cream
按摩霜~~Massage Cream
100%無油性眼部卸妝油~~100% Oil-free Eye Makeup Remover
溫和眼部卸妝(油/液/乳)~~Gentle Eye Makeup Remover
快速眼唇卸妝(油/液/乳)~~Instant Eye and Lip Makeup Remover

美白化妝水~~Clear Lotion
明亮白皙化妝水~~Ultra-brightening Whitening Lotion
煥采化妝水~~Refreshing Lotion
抗皺霜~~Anti-Wrinkle Cream
換膚霜~~Recoup Recovery Cream
抗老潤膚(霜 / 凝膠 / 乳液)~~Anti-aging Moisturizer
活化眼霜~~Activate Eye Cream
肌膚活力精華(霜 / 凝膠 / 乳液)~~Activate Skin Builder
明亮潤膚凝膠~~ Brightening Moisturizing Gel
明亮潤膚乳液~~ Brightening Moisturizing Emulsion
T字部位平衡凝膠~~T-Zone Balancing Gel
賦活眼(霜 / 凝膠 / 乳液)~~Eye Revitalizer
眼部清柔抗腫脹 / 黑眼圈(霜 / 凝膠 / 乳液)~~Eye Soother Anti-puffiness / dark circles

頭髮護理~~Hair Care
光澤洗髮精~~Glossing Shampoo
光澤潤髮乳~~Glossing Conditioner
捲髮用洗髮精~~Curls Shampoo
捲髮用潤髮乳~~Curls Conditioner
滋養洗髮精(乾性/受損髮質適用)~~Nourishing Shampoo for dry/damaged hair
光澤洗髮精(正常髮質適用)~~Shine Shampoo for formal
均衡洗髮精(正常髮質適用)~~Balancing Shampoo for formal
專業用洗髮精~~Technician Shampoo
專業用潤髮乳~~Technician Conditioner
專業用護色髮膜~~Technician Color Care Mask

造型產品~~Styling Products
造型亮澤霜~~Style Glossing Cream
造型捲髮噴霧~~Curls Wave Creating Spray
加強捲度造型膠~~Curl Enhancing Gel

梳子~~Hair Brush ; Comb

日曬防護~~Sun Protection
防曬乳~~Sun Block ; Sunscreen Lotion
防曬噴霧~~Sunscreen Spray

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lThis is Ken. (我是Ken)

l Ken speaking.(完整說法:This is Ken speaking.)

l This is Peter Jackson calling.



l Excuse me, who is this?(不好意思,請問您是哪一位)

l May I ask who is calling, please?(請問您是哪一位?)



l Can I have extension 321? (可以幫我轉接分機321嗎?)

l Could I speak to...? (我可以跟~講話嗎?)

* May I或Could I比較正式。Can I~ 比較不正式,為親朋好友間用語。

I would like to speak to Mr. Wang.(我想找王先生)

l Is Jack in?(Jack在嗎?)

*這是口語用法,完整說法為 Is Jack in the office?

Is Mary there? (Mary在嗎?)

l Would you connect me to General Affairs Department?




l I'll put you through.(我幫您轉接)

put through為片語動詞,表示connect。

I’ll connect you.(我幫您轉接)

I’ll transfer your call to the General Affairs Department.(我幫您把電話轉到總務部)

I’ll connect you to extension 231.(我幫您轉接分機231)

l Can you hold on a moment? Can you hold the line?(請稍候,不要掛斷)

*hold on: 請對方別掛斷電話。亦可說Don’t hang up.

l Just a moment.或Just a minute.(請等一下)

l I’ll get her.(我去叫她)

I’ll put her on.(我現在就請她過來接電話)



l I'm afraid he is not available at the moment.(恐怕他目前無法接聽電話。)

l Mr. Jackson isn't in.(不在)

Mr Jackson is out at the moment.(目前外出)

She is not here right now.(她目前人不在這)

l He’ll be back soon.(他很快就會回來)

He’ll be back in an hour.(他應該一個小時之內會回來)

l She’s in a meeting now.(她正在開會)*in a meeting: 會議中

l He has a guest now.(他現在有客人)

l He’s off today.(他今天休假)

l The line is busy.(電話正在講話中)

I can’t get through to him.(電話無法接通)

She is on another line.(她正在接別的電話)



l I’ll call (him) later.(我晚一點再打。)

l Please tell him to call me back as soon as possible.(請他儘早回電)

l Please tell him John called.(請告訴他John來過電話)

l May I leave a message?(我可以留個言嗎?)



l Could (Can, May) I take a message?(請問要留言嗎?*接電話的人記下留言)

Would you like to leave a message?(請問您要留言嗎?)

May I leave a message?(我可以留言嗎?)

l May I have your phone number?(可以告訴我電話號碼嗎?)

l Could (Can, May) I tell him who is calling?(請問要我轉告他是誰打來嗎?)

l Would you like him to call you when he comes back?


I’ll have him call you back.(我會叫他回電給您)I’ll tell him to call you back.



l 是的,我就是:


Yes, it’s me.(比較熟的朋友可以這麼用)

l 打錯電話:

There’s no one here by that name.(這裡沒有那個人)

You have the wrong number.(你打錯電話了)或You dialed the wrong number.

I’m sorry. I have the wrong number.(對不起,我打錯號碼了。)

也可以說I have dialed the wrong number.(我撥錯號碼了)

l 聽不清楚:

I can’t hear you very well.(電話聽不清楚)

Would you please slow down?(可不可以說慢一點嗎?)

Would you please speak more slowly? (可以請您說慢一點嗎?)

l 結束對話:

Thank you, bye. (打電話過去的人的謝辭)

Thank you for calling.(總機、秘書、同事對來電者的謝辭)

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歌都有得唱《Love me tender》啦!愛人當然要溫柔地愛,因為男人女人缺乏溫柔都不可愛。







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backcourt(球場的)後場 

backcourtman 後衛
ball control 控球

behind-the-back pass 背後傳球
cornerman 前鋒

center 中鋒
charge 撞人

chest pass 胸前傳球
clean shot 空心球

double foul 雙方犯規
dribble 運球

foul shot 罰球
free throw 罰球

free throw lane 罰球區
free throw line罰球線

full-court press 全場緊迫盯人
goal 投籃

guard 後衛
hack 打手犯規

(slam) dunk:(強力)灌籃
bank shot:擦板球

double pump:拉杆式投籃(verb)
fade-away shot:後仰式跳投

hook shot:鉤射投籃
jump shot:跳投

perimeter shot:中距離投籃

set shot:立定投籃
three-point shot:三分球


block shot:阻攻,蓋火鍋兒

defensive rebound:防守籃板球

field goal percentage:投球命中率

field goal:投球命中

free throw percentage:罰球命中率

free throw:罰球offensive rebound:進攻籃板球




three-point shot percentage:三分球命中率




back court:後場

freethrow lane:罰球圈,禁區

freethrow line:罰球線

front court:前場

game clock:比賽用時鐘





painted area:罰球圈,禁區

restricted area near the basket:禁區內籃框下的小圓圈區域


scoring table:記錄台,記分台

shot clock:時限鍾[進攻方在24秒內必須投籃,並且球必須觸及籃框,否則即犯規]

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產品中文名稱 產品英文名稱
汽車引擎 Engine for automobile
汽車化油器 Carburetor for automobile
汽車曲軸 Crankshaft for automobile
汽車連桿 Connecting rod for automobile
汽車凸輪軸 Camshaft for automobile
汽車汽缸頭(含汽門導管) Cylinder head for automobile
汽車汽缸體 Cylinder block for automobile
汽車汽門座 Valve seat for automobile
汽車濾清器 Filter for automobile
汽車燃料油泵 Fuel pump for automobile
柴油引擎用噴油泵 Fuel injection pump for diesel engine
汽車活塞及環 Piston and ring for automobile
汽車水箱(散熱器) Radiator for automobile
其他汽車引擎零組件 Other engine parts for automobile
懸吊避震器 Suspension shock absorber
汽車驅動軸及差速總成 Drive axle with differential assy for automobile
汽車傳動軸 Transmission axle for automobile
汽車離合器總成 Clutch assy for automobile
汽車變速箱 Gear boxes for automobile
汽車用十字及三叉式接頭 Universal joint for automobile
汽車輪圈 Wheel rim for automobile
其他汽車傳動系統零件 Other transmission parts for automobile
汽車方向盤、轉向柱及轉向箱 Steering column for automobile
汽車轉向齒輪 Steering pinion & racks for automobile
汽車轉向連桿 Steering linkage for automobile
汽車連接桿 Connecting rod for automobile
其他汽車轉向系統組件 Other parts of steering system for automobile
汽車火星塞 Spark plug for automobile
汽車起動馬達 Starter motor for automobile
分電盤 Distrinutor
汽車發電機 Generators for automobile
汽車點火線圈 Ignition coil for automobile
車頭燈 Head lamp for automobile
車後燈 Rear lamp for automobile
其他汽車用電燈組 Other lamp for automobile
其他汽車電氣零組件 Other electric parts for automobile
汽車剎車總泵 Brake master cylinder for automobile
汽車剎車盤式(或碟式)總成 Brake disc assy for automobile
汽車剎車來令 Brake lining for automobile
汽車剎車總成 Brake assy for automobile
汽車真空煞車倍力器 Vacuum brake booster for automobile
防鎖剎車系統 Burglar brake system for automobile
其他汽車剎車零組件 Other brake parts for automobile
汽車速度表 Speedometer for automobile
汽車油壓表 Oil pressure gauges for automobile
汽車轉速計 Tachometer for automobile
其他汽車儀表 Other instrument meters for automobile
其他汽車儀表 Other instrument meters for automobile
大客車車身 Bodies for bus
小貨車車身 Bodies for light duty truck
大貨車車身 Bodies for heavy duty truck
其他汽車車身 Bodies for other automobiles
汽車車架大樑 Frame cross-member
車身沖壓件 Body stamping and press parts for automobile
汽車防撞桿 Bumper for automobile
汽車排氣管 Exhaust pipe for automobile
汽車鑄件 Casting parts for automobile
安全氣囊系統 Air bag system
汽車座椅安全帶 Seat belt for automobile
其他未列名汽車零件 Other parts for automobile

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a back seat driver 專愛指點司機如何開車的乘客
a big bear hug 抱得很緊
a bit trying 有點苦惱
a cap and gown 畢業典禮的禮服
a cup of Java 一杯咖啡
a dead battery 汽車電瓶沒電了
a good shot 照相的取景很出色
a hangover from the old days 遺留下來的老習慣
a knockout 引人注目
a little too tight 緊了一點
a man of few words 沈默寡言的人
a popular moment 舞會中大家都來到了的時間
a rainy day 不如意的日子
a scorcher 一個大熱天
a steady 一個固定的異性朋友
a tall milk shake 一大杯奶昔
A toast everyone. 敬大家一杯酒.
a two-year hitch in the army 兩年的兵役
a wet blanket 掃興的人
above board 光明正大的
absent-minded professor 無頭蒼蠅;做事心不在焉者
after all 畢竟
After while, crocodile. 一會見.
after you 你先請
all along 始終;一貫
all at sea 茫然不知所措
all bark and no bite 只動口,不動手的人
all burnt up 怒火中燒
all dressed up 穿的很漂亮
all ears 全神貫注地聽;愕然
all for it 完全同意
all gone 消逝;丟失
all in 疲倦
all in a day's work, be 司空見慣
all in all 總而言之
all my eye 豈有此理;胡說八道
all out 全力以赴;全賣光了
all over 完了
all right 一點不錯
all set 準備好了
All set? Not yet. 都弄好了嗎?還沒呢.
all the better 更好
all the same 雖然如此;並無分別
all the world and his wife 人人;諸色人等
all there 神志清醒的;沒有問題的
all thumbs 笨手笨腳的;一竅不通的
all turn out 如願以償


all right 一點不錯
all set 準備好了
All set? Not yet. 都弄好了嗎?還沒呢.
all the better 更好
all the same 雖然如此;並無分別
all the world and his wife 人人;諸色人等
all there 神志清醒的;沒有問題的
all thumbs 笨手笨腳的;一竅不通的
all turn out 如願以償
all woman 最標準的女性
all you have to do 你只要
always the case 常常如此
ambulance chaser 唯利是圖的低級律師
And how! 當然啦!
ants in one's pants(skirt) 坐立不安
any way 究竟
anything under the sun 普天下任何事情
apeal to sb 對某人有吸引力
appeal to sb 取悅某人
apple-polish 逢迎;討好
apply for 申請
Are you all packed? 你行李收拾好了嗎?
Are you done? 你吃飽了嗎?
Are you kidding? 你在開玩笑吧?
Are you telling me? 用你來告訴我嗎?
Are you with me? 你懂我的意思嗎?
as a rule 通常來說
as luck would have it 真走運或不走運
as mod as sb 與某人一樣時髦
as the saying goes 常言道
at first blush 乍看
at hand 近旁;在手旁
at issue 爭論中
at loose ends 無職業;不安定
at my expense 由我出錢
at odds 爭執
at one's finger's tips 瞭如指掌
at one's service 隨時提供服務
at one's wit's end 不知所措
at one's wits' end 志窮計盡
at sixes and sevens 混亂的
at stake 在危險中

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1、 指頗有價值的或重要的事物,解作“了不起”、“重要”、“有道理”。如:
(1) He can run 100 meters in 10.5 seconds 。 That is really something 。 ——他十秒就能跑完一百公尺,真是了不起!
(2) He thinks he is something 。 ——他自以為了不起。
(3) Theory is certainly something but practice is everything 。 ——理論固然重要,但是實踐尤為重要。
(4) There is something in this book 。 Have you read it ? ——這本書頗有參考價值,你讀過嗎?

2、 or something 表示對某事物不十分肯定。恐怕把事情說的太絕,會承擔什麼責任,用以留有餘地。如:
(1) Mr Green is a scientist or something (does some job of science)。 ——格林先生是一個科學家之類的人物。
(2) I heard that a fire broke out in his house or something 。 ——我聽說他家著火了還是發生了別的事情。
(3) She made a fire near the oil tank or something 。 ——她在油箱附近燃起了一堆火,或做出別的蠢事。

3、 something of 用來表示一種不確定的程度或沒有完全的把握。如:
(1) Arriving at the village , he found himself something of an honoured guest 。 ——到達那個村子時,他發現人們把他當作貴賓。
(2) He is something of a liar 。 ——他不是一個十分誠實的人。
(3) He is something of a programmer 。 ——他略微熟悉程式編制。

4、 something like 表示稍似,有點像,大約等意思。如:
(1) The flying machine is shaped something like a bird 。 ——那架飛行器的外型略微象一隻鳥。
(2) The total output of grain this year is something like one million kilograms 。 ——今年糧食總產量大約一百萬公斤。

5、 something 還有時後接形容詞做表語。做“有些”、“似乎”解。如:
(1) He was something unhappy 。 ——他當時似乎有點不高興。
(2) She is something better today 。 ——她今天似乎好些了。

6、 something in one 指人的情緒、表情、神態等。如:
(1) Something in her was hostile to catholic , as to foreigners 。 ——她對基督教有些敵對情緒,如同對外國人。
(2) Only something in her was manner prevented her husband from going out that evening 。 ——只是她舉止有點異常,才阻止了她丈夫那天晚上的外出。

7、 something tells sb. 意思是好象感覺到,仿佛意識到或知道。如:
(1) Something tells me that the young man is a thief 。 ——我好象感覺到那個年輕人是小偷。
(2) Something tells me this 。 ——我似乎知道這點。
(3) Something told him that the accident would happen 。 ——他好象意識到了那場事故會發生。

8、 have something going for one 表示某人有某種做事的條件,如能力、天資、容貌等。如:
(1) John’s got something for him 。 He would succeed in tackling the problem 。 ——約翰身具才能,他會成功地處理好這個問題。
(2) Jenny has something going for her , she will surely gain love of a young man 。 ——珍妮長的很美,她一定會贏得年輕人人的愛慕。

9、 make something of 找碴……如:
(1) He made something of what the worker said to fire him 。 ——他以那工人說的話為藉口,把他解雇了。
(2) Tom accidentally shoved Bob in the doorway and Bob made something of it 。 ——湯姆偶然在門口碰到了鮑波,而鮑波便以此找碴。

10、 start something 指無中生有地找碴,與人打架吵嘴。如:
(1) That boy is always starting something 。 ——那孩子總是惹是生非。
(2) He started something but I made no reply 。 ——他找碴,可是我沒理他。

11、 have something on sb. 手中有某人的把柄。如:
(1) He dare not have words with me because I have something on him 。 ——他不敢與我吵嘴,因為我手裏抓著他的把柄。
(2) Because he has something on the boss , the boss does not rage against him 。 ——因為他手裏抓著老闆的把柄,所以老闆不向他發火。

smileronald 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

【打招呼九句】 :

How's everything?一切都好?
What's up?近況如何?
What's new?有什麼新鮮事?
What's happening?在忙什麼?

How are you?你好嗎?
Nice to meet you.很高興見到你。

Nice to see you again.很高興再見到你。

How have you been?你過得怎麼樣?

Long time no see.好久不見。


I don't know.我不知道。
I'm not sure.我不確定。
Who knows?誰知道啊?
Don't ask me!別問我!
It's not certain.還不確定。
Nothing is set yet.事情都還沒有定案。
It hasn't been decided yet.還沒有決定呢。
It's not clear.事情還未明朗。
It's up in the air.情況還混沌未明。
It's hard to say.很難說。


說謝謝除了Thank you.之外……九句最常用的道謝語

I really appreciate it.我很感謝。
You're one in a million.你真是大好人。
You're the greatest.你最棒了。

Thanks to you (we made it on time.)都要多謝你(我們才能準時完成)。
I couldn't have done it without you.若是沒有你,我不可能做到。

I'm truly grateful for your help.我非常感激你的幫助。
Your help was greatly appreciated.你的幫助備受感激。
I'd like to express my gratitude.我要表達我的謝忱。



Take care.保重。
So long.再見。
Until we meet again (next time.)下次見。
俏皮的說法: 6park.com
See you later, (alligator.)回頭見,(鱷魚。)(英文的部份押韻)

See you tomorrow (next week, on Monday, etc.)
Adios (西班牙文的「上帝祝福你。」)
Hasta la vista!西班牙文的「下次再見。」)

【甜言蜜語九句】 ------男生必看﹐女生隨便

I love you.我愛你。
I have a crush on you.我對你有點動心。
I care about you deeply.我非常關心你。

I'm fond of you.我對你有好感。
You light up my life.你照亮我的生命。
I can't live without you.我沒有你活不下去。
You mean the world to me.你對我來說是最重要的。
My heart belongs to you.我的心屬於你。
You take my breath away.你讓我忘記呼吸。

法文Je t'aime.
德文Ich liebe Dich.
西班牙文Te quiero./Te amo.
意大利文Te amo.
土耳其文Seni Seviyorum.
俄文Ya la-Blue teb-Ya.
日文Ai siteru.
韓文Sarang heyo.
泰文Chan rak te.
廣東話Ngoh oi leih.


You are great.

You're great/errific.你好棒/好厲害。
I admire you.我佩服你。
You're really cool.你真酷。
You're amazing.你真了不起。
You're awesome.你真了不起。

You did a great job.你做得很好。
You really impress me.你令我印象深刻。
You're an outstanding individual.你真是傑出人材。
You are a great asset to our company.你是本公司的重要資產(台柱)。


That's unreasonable! I'd take it for (100¥.)這真是賣得太貴了!如果(一百塊)我就買。
How about (100¥)?賣(一百塊錢)如何?
I'd buy this if it were cheaper.再便宜一點我就買。

Lower the price, and I'll consider it.價錢低一點我才會考慮。
It's a little overpriced.這標價有點貴。
I like everything about it except the price.這東西除了價錢之外我都喜歡。

I've seen this cheaper (in) other places.我在別家有看過更便宜的。
I heard other stores were having great mark-downs on this item.聽說別家的這個東西在大減價。
If I buy more than one, will you give me a discount?多買一點有折扣嗎?


That's terrible!好恐怖!
How awful!可怕噢!
That's horrible/dreadful!好可怕/嚇人!
What a nightmare!真是惡夢一場!

How terrifying!嚇死人了!
That's scary!真令人害怕!
How frightening!恐怖噢!

How creepy!真令人毛骨悚然!
That's spooky!陰森森的!


I want to break up.我要分手。
It's over.我們緣分已盡。
Don't call me anymore.別再打電話給我。
There's someone else.我有了別人。
We're not meant for each other.我們命中註定不適合。
I need some time alone.我需要一個人過一陣子。
We're better off as friends.我們做朋友比較好。
You're too good for me.我配不上你。
You deserve a better man/woman.你應該找個更好的對象。


Sorry, I'm (really/so/terribly) sorry.對不起。我感到(實在∕很∕非常)抱歉。
Apologize./Please accept my apology.我道歉。 ∕請接受我的道歉。
I feel really bad about...我對(某件事)感到非常抱歉。
I didn't mean it. .我不是故意的。
It's all my fault.全是我的錯。
How could I be so thoughtless?我怎麼會那麼粗心大意呢?
How can I make it up to you?我要怎樣才能補償你?
I'll never forgive myself.我永遠不能原諒自己。
Will you ever forgive me?你會原諒我嗎?


Happy New Millennium!千禧年快樂!
Happy *Hanukkah!如果對方是猶太人)獻殿節(光明節)快樂!

I'll have a blue Christmas without you.沒有你聖誕節我會過得很鬱卒。
I'll / We'll be thinking of you during this Christmas season.在這耶誕時節我(們)會

Wishing you peace and happiness during the holidays.祝你假期幸福平安。
Stay warm, safe and healthy during the holidays!祝你假期溫暖、平安、健康。
May your Christmas be filled with joy and warmth!願你聖誕節充滿喜樂與溫暖!
Hope the holidays find you happy and healthy.祝你假期健康快樂。 6park.com

So, what's your New Year's resolution?那麼,你的新年新希望是什麼?

【求婚九句】 ------男生必學﹐學不會?拖出去重打5下臺鞭。

Will you marry me?你願意嫁給(娶)我嗎?
Would you be my wife/hu*and?你願意當我的妻子/丈夫嗎?

I think it's time we took some vows.我想是我們該許下誓言的時候了。
I think it's time we settled down...我想是我們該穩定下來的時候了……
I want to spend the rest of my life with you.我要與你共度餘生。
I want to be with you forever.我要永遠與你相守。

Let's get *hitched!我們成為比翼鳥吧!
Let's tie the knot!我們結為連理枝吧!
強迫中獎法︰ 6park.com
I want to have your children.我要跟你生寶寶。


As the new year begins, let us also start anew.一元復始,萬象更新

Happy New Year and hope you strike it rich!恭喜發財
May wealth and riches be drawn your way./May you walk the path of prosperity.招財進寶
May a river of gold flow into your pockets.財源廣進

May you succeed at whatever you try./May all your wishes come true.心想事成
Hope everything goes your way.萬事如意
May the New Year bring you good fortune.迎春接福

I wish you good fortune and every success.大吉大利
May you always get more than you wish for.年年有餘


I support you.我支持你。
I'll stand by you.我會幫助你。
I'm with you all the way.我會一直支持你。
I'm behind you all the way.我隨時在後面支持你。
I'm there for you.我隨時聽候差遣。
You have my support.你會得到我的支持。
You have my vote.我這一票是你的。 〈這句話除了字面上的意思,也可以表示「我支持你」。 〉
You can count on me.你可以信得過我。
You got my back.我給你當靠山。 〈上面這句話是一種較為口語的用法〉


Guess what!你猜怎麼著!
I know something you don't know!我知道一些你不知道的事情!
Ask me what just happened.你猜剛剛發生什麼事。
Have I got news for you!我有事要告訴你呢!

You'll never guess...你絕對猜不到……
You won't believe...你不會相信……
The weirdest thing just happened...最怪異的事情發生了……

I don't know how to tell you this...我不知如何對你啟齒……
There's something that's been eating at me for a long time...有件事情在我心裡藏了很久……


I've had enough of your...我受夠了你的……
Who do you think you are?你以為你是誰啊?
How dare you!你好大的膽子!

You worthless piece of....你這沒用的東西……
You infuriate me.你氣死我了。
You're really full of it!你滿口胡言!
Shut your face!住口!
Get out of my face!給我閃一邊去!
Stuff it!閉嘴!


That doesn't count.那不算!
We weren't playing for real.我們不是玩真的。

Money has been really tight lately...最近手頭有點緊……
I've had so many other expenses...我有太多其它的費用要付……

It's not my fault.那不是我的錯。
He / She made me do it.他(她)要我做的。
I didn't see the sign.我沒有看到標胖盡?

It's not my turn to...這次不是輪到我……
I didn't know anything about it...我對此事一無所知……


It's really impressive the way you run this company.您經營這家公司的模式真是令人印象深刻。
I look forward to coming to work every day.我每天都迫不及待來上班。
You're the best-dressed boss around.您是這裡穿得最有型的主管。
You're my idol.您是我的偶像。
I really admire your decision-making ability.我很欽佩您的決策能力。


You're too young to be a professor...您當教授實在太年輕了……
Could you autograph your book for me, please?能否幫我在您寫的書上簽名?
Your teaching is so inspiring.您的教學真是讓人如沐春風。


You look so much younger than my classmates' moms /dads.你看起來比我班上同學的媽媽∕爸爸年輕多了。


You look like someone I know.你跟我一個朋友長得好像。
Haven't we met before?我們之前見過吧?
That's a great haircut.你的髮型很棒。
(To the bartender) I'll have what the handsome gentlman (beautiful lady) is having. (對酒保說)我要跟這位帥哥(美女)點一樣的東西。

Can I buy you a drink?我可以請你喝一杯嗎?
You have a great smile.你的笑容很美。
Are you here alone?你一個人在這兒嗎?
What's a handsome guy (pretty girl) like you doing here alone?像你這樣的帥哥(美女)怎麼會落單?

What do you say we go somewhere quiet...我們另外找個安靜的地方如何……

smileronald 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

a bunch of 一群 一堆
a piece of shit 一拋屎
a stream of abuse 一頓罵
a tough man 難對付的人
aint = aren’t
album 歌曲專集
an awesome big promise 很大的諾言
are you going to the movies? 你打算去看電影嗎?
are you mad? 你生氣拉?
asshole 屁眼
awesome 另人敬畏的

back off 讓開!
badass 壞蛋
bah bye 再見
be good 聽話
be off 走開
be pissed off 被惹惱 I've been pissed.(I've been pissed off) 我被若惱了。
be quick 快!
be quiet 安靜
belly button 肚臍眼
bite me 狠我把。(用得意的語氣)
black folks = nigger 黑人 ,用black people 也行
blue 色情
brb , be right back 馬上回來
bullshit. 胡說
butt, ass 屁股

can you handle this? 你行嗎?
can’t take it 招架不住,受不了
cause ,because, cuz 因為
cell phone 手機
chatroom 聊天室 ,不是chatting room啊
come on 快,來嘛~~,別那樣了,
computer freak 非常喜歡電腦得人,精通電腦得人
cool 酷
crap up 廢話(im craping up)我在廢話
cut the crap 別廢話
cute 可愛(美國人不長說“帥(handsome)" 用CUTE代替)可以說 a handsome car.
cutie 可愛的人

damn 媽的,倒楣!
damn it 他XX的
did I make myself clear? 我是否使你明白拉?
did I make myself crystal clear? 比上邊的口氣重
do I know you? = do I have the pleasure of knowing you? 我認識你嗎?
do me a favour 幫幫忙
do you do weed? = do you smoke 吸煙嗎?
don’t be like a kid 別向小孩一樣
don’t be mean about that 別太沒意思了啊
don’t be so sure about that 別太肯定
don’t be so sure about yourself 別太自信!
don’t bother 別去麻煩!
don’t fool me 別耍我
don’t get funny with me 別無理
don’t get it 不明白
don’t get smart with me 別耍花樣
don’t know what you are talking about 不知道你在說什麼
don’t lie to me 別給我說謊
dumb ass = stupid = 笨蛋

evil 特別壞的。evil man 壞人
exactly 非常對!正是!

fag = gay 同性戀的人
faggot = stupid = fag
faggot 笨蛋。同性戀
fine 好。有時表示不滿。 你可以!
freak =weird 怪的。
freaky boy 怪男孩
funny shit 有趣的東西
funny 有趣的

gal = girl
gay 同性戀(男) 有的美國男孩不喜歡與同性的人聊。
geeze 天呀!
get a flat tyre 車輪跑氣
get beat up 挨了一頓打,被打了
get high 過癮的感覺
get into such a mess 這麼不幸(指遇到了困難的事)
get it? 明白了嗎?
get me wrong 你冤枉了我!
get on it! 去做。。。把
give it a shot. give it a go. 試一是
go ahead 可以
go to bed! 滾開!
gonna going to 的省寫。 不是 went to 的啊!
gosh = god 上帝呀!我的天呀!!!
got disconnected 掉線拉!
got it! 明白了!
got kicked 被踢拉!
got power outage 停電拉!
gotcha! = got you 抓住你拉!難住你拉!
gotta go do something 要去幹某事拉
gotta go 我得走拉!
grow up 別向小孩一樣
guess what 猜怎麼了?
guy = boy

hang out with 與...出去玩
hang out 出外玩兒
hell yeah! 可不是!太對拉!
hip hop , rock, rap,pop, 說唱,搖滾,說唱,流行歌
hobby 愛好
hold on 等會兒
hold the(your) breath 等等(是讓你先閉嘴的意思)
homo (一種生理活動) =(一種生理活動)ing homo 同性戀混
homo sexual 同性戀的
homo 同性戀的
hook up hook up the mic 插上麥克風
hook up some tickets for somebody 給....免費準備一些票.
how are you doing (or: how you doiin) 你好。
how in the world can he do it to me 他怎麼能這樣對我呢!
how’s your day 今天怎麼樣?
huh??? 什麼?(單獨用的)
hurry up 快!
hurry 快!

I can’t believe it 不感相信
I do whatever I like 我幹我想幹的
I don’t give a shit! 我不在乎
I have no clue,I don’t know,I have no Idea 不知道
I have to think about it 我得考慮
I knew it 我料到拉!我就知道!
I made it. I did it 我成功拉
I read your mind 我就知道你要說什麼
idiot 傻蛋
I’m crazy about her/him 她使我瘋狂。表示你喜歡她。
I’m done 我完拉! 或。作某事做完拉
I’m into you. 我喜歡你
I’m into.... 我喜歡。。。 對。。。趕興趣
I’m just playing!=just kidding 開玩笑的
I’m pretty mad at you 你真讓我生氣!
I’m scared 我怕拉
incompetent loser 無能的笨蛋
it depends 那要看看了。
its not working! 不管用呀!
its up to you 看你了
I've got a favour for you to do 要你幫個忙

jackass 蠢貨
jesus 天呀!
just chilling(just chillin') 休息 (用於回答或解釋)

kick your ass 揍你。踢你的屁股。
kick 踢
kiddo 小孩兒
kind of (kinda) sort of (sorta) 有點兒!
kiss my ass 表示看不起你 , 吻我的屁股

laptop 筆記本電腦
lmaf , laugh my ass off 非常可笑
lol 大笑 = laugh out loud
look! = hey 嘿!
loser 笨蛋

mad at= angry with
mad dog 瘋狗。一般指人
mall 超市 = supermarket
mind your own business 別管閒事
moron 笨蛋
mother (一種生理活動)er 連媽都(一種生理活動)的人
my treat 我請客

native american 純美國人
no offence(no offense) 別生氣 ,(用於事先緊告)
none of your business 沒你的事;別管閒事

oh yeah? 表示懷疑。。。。是麼?
okie dokie , oky doky = ok
oops 哎幼

pain in the ass 著急
pants 褲子
pic 照片
pimp 惡棍。
piss off 滾!
pretty 漂亮,(指人和物) pretty girl. pretty flowers
prick , dick , cock 罵人的。意思是,幾吧
punk 廢物
pussy 逼

retard 聽起來象煙鬼的人
ridiculous 可笑的(貶義詞)
right on = right 對!

she is fine. 她很好看
she is fine. 她身體很好,或人品不錯
she makes me sick 她使我噁心
she's real cute 她真的很可愛,,與really cute 不一樣
shit 拉屎
shit 屎 ,廢話n
shitty day 倒楣的一天。
shoot 說吧
show 節目
shut up . shut the hell up , shut the (一種生理活動) up. 閉嘴
sit back 別管閒事兒
smart 聰明。不用clever
so long 一般不用它。。。意思是:再見
so so 一般
so what 那又怎樣??那又如何??
so 那麼,那,所以
son of a ***** *子養的
stupid 笨蛋
suck up to somebody 拍馬屁
suck 噁心(動詞) you suck! 你噁心!爛

take drug = do drug 吸毒
tell you what 。。。 我給你說啊。。。。
that isn’t funny 不可笑, 不怪
that makes me feel sleepy 那東西讓我想睡覺。
that works 那樣可以
that’s a little strong 有點重了。
that’s your problem 那時你的事,是你自己的問題
the other day 前幾天
try me. 你試試。(A: I'll kill you B: try me) A:我殺了你。B:你試試.

wanna want to 和 wanted to 的省寫
watch it! 注意!
watch your language! 注意你的語言!
weird 怪的
what about it 。。。。怎麼樣?
what are you into?(what you into) 你對什麼感興趣?
what are you up to(what you up to) 最近怎麼樣
what does that mean? 什麼意思?
what the (一種生理活動) ,what the hell , what the hack, (wtf ) 真他XX的!
what’s up 什麼事? 或是: 你好
what’s your asl? 你的,年齡,性別,地點? (聊天用的)
what’s your connection 問你是用56K上網還是用寬頻
what’s your problem? 你怎麼了你?(用於指責)
where are you located? 你在哪?
white folks 白人 , 用white people 也行
who knows , god knows 誰知道呢!
whole bunch of 一大群。一大堆

you ain’t nothing 你什麼也不是
you are scared 你怕拉
you are so mean 你太沒意思拉
you are such a sweetie 你真是個甜心兒
you are sweet 你真好
you don’t have to say nothing 不需要說什麼
you have a nice attitude huh 你架子擺的不錯呀
you know what I’m saying? 明白我說的嗎?
you know what? 你知道嗎?
you wanna fight? 想吵架?

zip it 閉嘴

smileronald 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

1. It作先行主語和先行賓語的一些句型
She had said what it was necessary to say.

2. 強調句型
It is not who rules us that is important, but how he rules us.

3. "All+抽象名詞"或"抽象名詞+itself"(very+形容詞)
He was all gentleness to her.

4. 利用詞彙重復表示強調
A crime is a crime a crime.

5. "something of"(much)"to some extent"
"nothing of" (little)。
"anything of ",可譯為"有點","略微等。""譯為毫無","全無"。
"much of"譯為"大有",
"not much of"可譯為"算不上","稱不上",
"little of"可譯為"幾乎無"。
something like譯為"有點像,略似。"
They say that he had no university education, but he seems to be something of a scholar.

6. 同格名詞修飾是指of前後的兩個名詞都指同一個人或物,"of"以及它前面的名詞構一個形容詞短語,以修飾"of"後面的那個名詞。如"her old sharper of a father",可譯為:"她那騙子般的父親"。
Those pigs of girls eat so much.

7. as…as…can(may)be
It is as plain as plain can be.

8. "It is in(with)…as in(with)"
It is in life as in a journey.

9. "as good as…"相等於,就像,幾乎如;實際上,其實,實在。
The merchant as good as promised the orphan boy, that he would adopt him.

10."many as well…as"和"might as well …as" "many as well…as"可譯為"與其……,不如……,更好","以這樣做……為宜","如同……,也可以……"等等。"might as well …as"表示不可能的事,可譯為"猶如……","可與……一樣荒唐","與其那樣不如這樣的好"等等。
One may as well not know a thing at all as know it imperfectly.

11."to make…of"的譯法(使……成為……,把……當作)
I will make a scientist of my son.

12. too…+不定式",not(never)too…+不定式","too…not+不定式
She is too angry to speak.

13. only(not, all, but, never) too …to do so "和"too ready (apt) + to do"結構中,不定式也沒有否定意義,凡是"not","all""but等字後+"too…to,"不定式都失去了否定意義,在"too ready(apt) +to do"結構中,不定式也沒有否定意義。
You know but too yell to hold your tongue.

14. "no more …than…"句型
A home without love is no more a home than a body without a soul is a man.

15. "not so much…as"和"not so much as …"結構,"not so much…as"="not so much as …",其中as有進可換用but rather,可譯為:"與其說是……毋須說是……"。而"not so much as"="without(not)even,"可譯為"甚至……還沒有"。
The oceans do not so much divide the world as unite it .

16. "Nothing is more…than"和"Nothing is so …as"結構,"Nothing is more…than"和"Nothing is so …as"都具有最高級比較的意思,"Nothing I"可換用"no","nobody","nowhere","little","few","hardly","scarcely"等等,可譯為"沒有……比……更為","像……再沒有了","最……"等。
Nothing is more precious than time.

17. "cannot…too…"結構,"cannot…too…"意為"It is impossible to overdo…"或者,即"無論怎樣……也不算過分"。"not"可換用"hardly","scarcely"等,"too"可換用"enough","sufficient"等
You cannot be too careful.

18. "否定+but "結構,在否定詞後面的"but",具有"which not","who not","that not",等等否定意義,構成前後的雙重否定。可譯成"沒有……不是"或"……都……"等
Nothing is so bad but it might have been worse.

19. "否定+until (till)"結構,在否定詞"no","not","never","little","few","seldom"等的後邊所接用的"until/till",多數情況下譯為"直到……才……","要……才……",把否定譯為肯定。
Nobody knows what he can do till he has tried.

20. "not so…but"和"not such a …but"結構,這兩個結構和"否定+but"的結構差不多,不同之點是這兩個結構中的"but"是含有"that…not"意味的連續詞,表示程度。可譯為"還沒有……到不能做……的程度","並不是……不……","無論怎樣……也不是不能……"等。
He is not so sick but he can come to school.

21. "疑問詞+should…but "結構,這個結構表示過去的意外的事,意為"none…but",可譯為"除了……還有誰會……","豈料","想不到……竟是……"等。
Who should write it but himself?

22. "who knows but (that)…"和"who could should…but"結構,這個結構是反問形式,一般意譯為"多半","亦未可知"等等,有時也可直譯。
Who knows but (that) he may go?

23. "祈使句+and"和"祈使句+or"結構,"祈使句+and"表示"If…you…","祈使名+or"表示"if…not…,you。
Add love to a house and you have a home. Aad righteousness to a city and you have a community. Aad truth to a pile of red brick and you have a school.

24. "名詞+and"結構,在這個結構中,名詞等於狀語從句,或表示條件,或表示時間。
A word, and he would lose his temper.

25. "as…,so…"結構,這裡的"so"的意思是"in the same way"(也是如此)。此結構表明兩個概念在程度上和關繫上相似。
As rust eats iron, so care eats the heart.

26. "if any"結構,"if any"和"if ever",意思是"果真有……","即使有……",表示加強語氣。與此類似的還有:"if anything"(如有不同的話,如果稍有區別),"if a day"(=at least,至少)。
There is little, if any, hope.

27. "be it ever(never)so"和"let it be ever(never)so"結構,這裡,"be it"中的"be"是古英語假設語氣的遺留形式,現代英語則使用"let it be"。"ever so"和"never so"都表示同一意思,都表示"very"。
Be it ever so humble (let it be ever so humble), home is home.

28. "the last+不定式"和"the last +定語從詞"結構,這種結構中的"last"意思是"the least likely",用於否定性推論。可譯為"最不大可能的","最不合適的",由原意的"最後一個……"變成"最不可能……的一個"。
He is the last man to accept a bride.

29. "so…that…"句型,這個句型的意思是"如此……,以致於……",但在翻譯成漢語時,許多情況下,並不是一定要譯成"如此……以致於……",而是變通表達其含義。
He ran so fast that nobody could catch him up.

30. "more + than+原級形容詞(副詞)"結構,這是將不同性質加以比較,其中的"more"有"rather"的意思。
It is more than probable that he will fall.

31. "more than +動詞"結構,這種結構表示動詞的程度,可譯為"異常","豈止","十二分地"等。
This more than satisfied me.

32. "good and …"的副詞用法,譯為"非常","很"等。類似還有"nice and …", "fine and …," "lovely and …", "bright and …", "rare and …", "big and …"等,均表示程度。
The apples are good and ripe.

33. "and that"結構,這個"and that"應譯為"而且……",表示對它前面陳述部分的語氣加強,"that"代表前面的整個陳述部分。
Return to your work , and that at once.

34. "at once…and"結構,這個結構譯為"既……又……",起相關連接的作用,相當於"both…and…"。
The novel is at once pleasing and instructive.

35. "in that…"結構,這個結構的意思是"在那一點上(方面)",可譯為"因為"。類似的結構還有"in this…"。
The budget is unrealistic in that it disregards increased costs.

36. "the name notwithstanding"結構,這個結構中"notwithstanding"是介詞,這個介詞可以置前,可以置後,比如也可寫成:"notwithstanding the name"。起讓步狀語的作用。
Some people think of the storage battery as a sort of condenser where electricity is stored.But this is an entirely wrong conception, the name notwithstanding.

37. "Every…not"和"All…not"結構,"Every…not"表示"不見得每個……都是……";"All…not"表示"不見得所有……都是……"的意思。
Every man is not polite, and all are not born gentlemen.

38. "may as well not…as"結構,此結構可譯為"與其……不如不……"。
One may as well not know a thing at all as know it but imperfectly.
39. "have only to …do"結構,此結構表示"只須(消)……就能……"的意思。
We have only to turn to that extraordinary discovery made by Edison to see the significance of it.

40. "not (no) …unless…"句型
No increase in output can be expected unless a new assembly line is installed.

41. "better…than…"句型
Better my life should be ended by their hate, than that hated life should be prolonged to live without your love.

42. "as it were"是一個非常常用的插入語,意思是"好象","可以說"等。
Apiece of iron near a magnet, though apparently separate from it , feels, as it were, the threads of this attachment.

43. 複雜結構,在下面例句中,由於anyone的定語從句過長,把謂語must realize提到定語從句之前。
Though faith and confidence are surely more or lass foreign to my nature, I do not infrequently find myself looking to them to be able, diligent, candid, and even honest. Plainly enough, that is too large an order, as anyone must realize who reflects upon the manner in which they reach public office.

44. "not…any more than…"為:"不能……,正如不能……"。
One cannot learn to sketch and express himself graphically only by reading about it any more than one can learn to swim while standing by the pool.

45. "By that as it may"是"Let it be that as it may"的省略形式,是由"be"引起的另外一種假設結構,意思是"雖然如此,儘管這樣"。
It is said that the nerve poison is the more primitive of the two, that the blood poison is, so to speak, a new product from an improved formula. Be that as it may, the nerve poison does its business with man far more quickly than the blood poison.

46. "if at all"是一個由"if"引起的主謂結構不完整的短句結為"即將……","即使……"等。
I can see only with great difficulty, if at all.

47. 由there引起的句型容易產生複雜的句子結構.
There have been opened up to the vast and excellent science, in which my work is the beginning, ways and means by which other minds more accurate than wine will explore its remote corners.

48. "range from …to…"結構。這是一個常見結構,譯時很多情況下應變通處理,不能完全依靠辭典上的釋義。
Computer applications range from an assembly line completely run by computers to a children toy responding to remote signals.

49. "the way…"結構
I always thought she was a common-sense person who discussed things the way they ought to be discussed.

50. 複雜賓補結構
In recent years, the development of sensitive and accurate measuring equipment has made it possible to measure the acuity of hearing of any individual at different frequencies.

51. 某些分隔結構
1) 動詞短語相關部分被分隔(當"make use of ","take notice of","pay attention to",
Use is made of solar energy in heating houses.
But there is of culture another view, in which not solely the scientific passion, the sheer desire to see things as they are, natural and proper in an intelligent being, appears as the ground of it.

52. "to be doing…when…"是一個句型,多譯為"某人正在做……時,突然……"。在簡單的句子中容易看出,一旦句子變得複雜一些,可能就不太容易識別這種句型。
She said she and a friend had gone out to dinner that night, and were walking home together at about 10 o'clock, when a "very big, very tall man", accosted them and demanded their purses.

53. "too…to"句型
Then I remembered how often I, too, had been indifferent to the grandeur of each day, too preoccupied with petty and sometimes even mean concerns to respond to the splendor of it all.

54. "so much that…"句型
But he developed gradually a very musical English. He learnt to write sentences that fall away on the ear with a misty languor and it delighted him so much that he could never have enough of it.

55. "when"引導狀語從句有時並不好譯,不能一看到when從句就考慮譯為"當……的時候",它還有許多種譯法。
Anything is better than not to write clearly. There is nothing to be said against lucidity, and against simplicity only the possibility of dryness. This is a risk that is well worth taking when you reflect how much better it is to be bold than to wear a curly wig.

56. "not…because…",有時可否定前面,有時可否定because本身,往往出現歧義。應根據上下文面判定。
In 1600 the earth was not the center of the universe because the majority then supposed it was; nor, because she had more readers, was Ella wheeler Wilcox a better poet than Father Hopkins.

57. "so…that, such…that"是一個普通的句型,但在同一個句子裏有兩處使用它卻比較少見。
The truth is, that in one point of view, this matter of national literature has come to such a pass with us, that in some sense we must turn bullies, else the day is lost, or superiority so far beyond us, that we can hardly say it will ever be ours.

58. "by doing…"結構。這個結構的意思是"通過(做)……",但翻譯實踐中不能拘泥於這種釋義,不少情況下需要靈活變通。
The hippos, by depositing dung in the water, fed the fish that support the storks that destroy the rare trees.

59. 下面例句為一倒裝句,主語很長,而且又含有非常複雜的句型。這是以形容詞作表語的倒裝,翻譯實踐中多把倒裝部分譯到最前面。
No less obvious is the fact there are great numbers of people so constituted or so brought up that they cannot get so much pleasure out of processes and experiences resulting in a poorer life less full of meaning.

60. "what…of"句型
I can not say of myself what Johnson said of Pope: He never passed a fault unamended by indifference, nor quitted it by despair. I do not write as I do; I write as I can.

61. 英語的一個習慣用法是:當否定謂語think(believe)時,實際上是否定其後面的賓語從句。否定就落在賓語從句上。這樣賓語從句就變成了雙重否定,譯時可以按雙重否定譯,也可按肯定來譯。
It is a valuable work. I do not think anyone writes so well that he cannot learn much from it.

62. "to have not…(as) to see…"中的不定式也有否定意味。
He had not the good breeding to see that simplicity and naturalness are the truest marks of distinction.

63. "It occurred to sb. that…"意為"突然想到","It dawned on sb.that…"."突然想起"等。 從句是想起的內容。
I remember once being on a bus and looking at a stranger. He suddenly looked back at me-i.e.our eyes met. My instinctive reaction was to avert my gaze. It occurred to me that if I had continued to maintain eye contact, I would have been rude and aggressive.

64. "It follows that…"="It happens as a result…"常常被譯為"由此可見","因此","從前","可以推斷"等等。
It follows that the housewife will also expect to be able to have more leisure in her life without lowering her standard of living. It also follows that human domestic servants will have completely ceased to exist.

65. "that's all there is to it ",意思是"也不過如此而已"。可根據上下文視情況處理。
If I'm touched, I'm touched-that's all there is to it.

66. "The chances are that…"是一句型,譯為"有可能……"。
The chances are you will never attempt that speed with poetry or want to race though some passages in fiction over which you wish to linger.

67. Feel, see, leave引起賓語的賓語補足語,或在被動語態中引起主語補足語的某些慣用句型,有時see和feel這兩個詞的被動式不大好譯。遇到這種情況應挖掘其深層含義,不要拘泥於表面形式。
The education of the young is seen to be of primary importance.

68. 某此以no, nowhere, never, not…bout, not…any, nothing but, hardly, scarcely, seldom等否定詞語引出的一些結構。
I never go past the theatre but I think of his last performance.

69. 某些用choice between, to know better, whether or, should have avoided(或done better)等表示從兩種做法中選取一種更好的做法
Then we are faced with a choice between using technology to provide and fulfil needs which have hitherto been regarded as unnecessary or, on the other hand, using technology to reduce the number of hours of work which a man must do in order to earn a given standard of libing.

70. 某些省略情況,應清單確認省略的內容。
The country had grown rich, its commerce was large, and wealth did its natural work in making life softer and more worldly, commerce in deprovincializing the minds of those engaged in it.

71. 修飾成分(包括定語、定語從句、同位語從句等)多而長。
Across the court from the Manhattan apartment that I have occupied for the past few years is a dog that often hurls insults into the darkness, a few of which my dog refuses to accept and makes a tart reply.

72. 一些外位語,所謂外位修飾,指從句子結構和內容上不起主要資訊表達功能的部分。其作用是從語氣和連接上下文等方面進行補充。在翻譯成漢語時,往往可獨立成句,外形上不保留修飾的痕跡。
Of course, nobody was hurt this time, because we had all been to dinner, none of us being novices excepting Hastings; and he having been informed by the minister at the time that he invited him that in deference to the English custom the had not provided any dinner.

smileronald 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

目標 mission/ objective
集體目標 group objective
內部環境 internal environment
外部環境 external environment
計畫 planning
組織 organizing
人事 staffing
領導 leading
控制 controlling
步驟 process
原理 principle
方法 technique
經理 manager
總經理 general manager
行政人員 administrator
主管人員 supervisor
企業 enterprise
商業 business
產業 industry
公司 company
效果 effectiveness
效率 efficiency
企業家 entrepreneur
權利 power
職權 authority
職責 responsibility
科學管理 scientific management
現代經營管理 modern operational management
行為科學 behavior science
生產率 productivity
激勵 motivate
動機 motive
法律 law
法規 regulation
經濟體系 economic system
管理職能 managerial function
產品 product
服務 service
利潤 profit
滿意 satisfaction
歸屬 affiliation
尊敬 esteem
策略 strategy
政策 policy
靈活性 discretion
多種經營 diversification
評估 assessment
一致性 consistency
應變策略 consistency strategy
公共關系 public relation
價值 value
抱負 aspiration
偏見 prejudice
審查 review
批准 approval
主要決定 major decision
division general manager
資產組合距陣 portfolio matrix
明星 star
問號 question mark
現金牛 cash cow
採購 procurement
人口因素 demographic factor
地理因素 geographic factor
公司形象 company image
產品系列 product line
合資企業 joint venture
破產政策 liquidation strategy
緊縮政策 retrenchment strategy
戰術 tactics
激勵 motivation
潛意識 subconscious
地位 status
情感 affection
欲望 desire
壓力 pressure
滿足 satisfaction
自我實現的需要 needs for self-actualization
尊敬的需要 esteem needs
歸屬的需要 affiliation needs
安全的需要 security needs
生理的需要 physiological needs
維持 maintenance
保健 hygiene
激勵因素 motivator
概率 probability
強化理論 reinforcement theory
回饋 feedback
獎金 bonus
股票選擇權 stock option
勞資糾紛 labor dispute
缺勤率 absenteeism
人員流動 turnover
獎勵 reward
特許經營 franchise
熱誠 zeal
信心 confidence
鼓舞 inspire
要素 ingredient
忠誠 loyalty
奉獻 devotion
作風 style
品質 trait
適應性 adaptability
進取性 aggressiveness
熱情 enthusiasm
毅力 persistence
人際交往能力 interpersonal skills
行政管理能力 administrative ability
智力 intelligence
專制式領導 autocratic leader
民主式領導 democratic leader
自由放任式領導 free-rein leader
管理方格圖 the managerial grid
工作效率 work efficiency
服從 obedience
領導行為 leader behavior
支持型領導 supportive leadership
參與型領導 participative leadership
指導型領導 instrumental leadership
成就取向型領導 achievement-oriented leadership
CEO指的是執行長 (Chief Executive Officer)
CFO 財務長 (Chief Finnace Officer)
COO 營運長 (Chief Operation Officer)
CTO 技術長 (Chief Technology Officer)
CPO 採購長 (Chief Procurement Officer)
CMO (Chief Manufacturing Officer)
CQO (Chief Quality Officer)
CKO (Chief Knowledge Officer)
自我實現 self-actualization
人力投入 human input
盈餘 surplus
收入 income
成本 cost
資本財 capital goods
機器 machinery
設備 equipment
建築 building
存貨 inventory
經驗法 the empirical approach
人際行為法 the interpersonal behavior approach
集體行為法 the group behavior approach
協作社會系統法 the cooperative social systems approach
社會技術系統法 the social-technical systems approach
決策理論法 the decision theory approach
數學法 the mathematical approach
系統法 the systems approach
隨機制宜法 the contingency approach
管理任務法 the managerial roles approach
經營法 the operational approach
人際關系 human relation
心理學 psychology
態度 attitude
壓力 pressure
沖突 conflict
招聘 recruit
鑑定 appraisal
選拔 select
培訓 train
報酬 compensation
授權 delegation of authority
協調 coordinate
業績 performance
考績制度 merit system
表現 behavior
下級 subordinate
偏差 deviation
檢驗記錄 inspection record
誤工記錄 record of labor-hours lost
銷售量 sales volume
產品品質 quality of products
先進技術 advanced technology
顧客服務 customer service
策略 strategy
結構 structure
追隨 followership
個性 individuality
性格 personality
安全 safety
自主權 latitude
悲觀的 pessimistic
靜止的 static
樂觀的 optimistic
動態的 dynamic
靈活的 flexible
抵制 resistance
敵對 antagonism
折中 eclectic
領先性 primacy
普遍性 pervasiveness
憂慮 fear
忿恨 resentment
士氣 morale
解雇 layoff
批發 wholesale
零售 retail
程序 procedure
規則 rule
規划 program
預算 budget
共同作用 synergy
大型聯合企業 conglomerate
資源 resource
購買 acquisition
增長目標 growth goal
專利產品 proprietary product
競爭對手 rival
晉升 promotion
管理決策 managerial decision
商業道德 business ethics
有競爭力的價格 competitive price
供貨商 supplier
小販 vendor
利益衝突 conflict of interests
衍生政策 derivative policy
開支帳戶 expense account
批准程序 approval procedure
病假 sick leave
休假 vacation
工時 labor-hour
機時 machine-hour
資本支出 capital outlay
現金流量 cash flow
工資率 wage rate
稅收率 tax rate
股息 dividend
現金狀況 cash position
資金短缺 capital shortage
總預算 overall budget
資產負債表 balance sheet
可行性 feasibility
投入原則 the commitment principle
投資回報 return on investment
生產能力 capacity to produce
實際工作者 practitioner
最終結果 end result
業績 performance
個人利益 personal interest
福利 welfare
市場占有率 market share
創新 innovation
生產率 productivity
利潤率 profitability
社會責任 public responsibility
董事會 board of director
組織規模 size of the organization
組織文化 organizational culture
目標管理 management by objectives
評價工具 appraisal tool
激勵方法 motivational techniques
控制手段 control device
個人價值 personal worth
優勢 strength
機會 opportunity
威脅 threat
個人責任 personal responsibility
顧問 counselor
定量目標 quantitative objective
定性目標 qualitative objective
可考核目標 verifiable objective
優先 priority
工資表 payroll

smileronald 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

I. 用於文章主題句
It goes without saying that子句
= (It is) needless to say (that)子句
= It is obvious that子句
= Obviously, S. + V.

It goes without saying that it pays to keep early hours.

2.…是不可能的; 無法…
There is no Ving
= There is no way of Ving.
= There is no possibility of Ving.
= It is impossible to V.
= It is out of the question to V.
= No one can V.
= We cannot V.
There is not denying that successful business lies in a healthy body and mind.

I am greatly convinced (that)子句
= I am greatly assured (that)子句
I am greatly convinced that prevention is better than cure.

Among various kinds of …, …
= Of all the …, …
Among various kinds of sports, I like jogging in particular.

It can be easily proved (that)子句
It can be easily proved that nothing is more precious than time.

… cannot be overemphasized
The importance of traffic safety cannot be overemphasized.

In my opinion, …
= To my mind, ….
= As far as I am concerned, …
= I am of the opinion that子句
In my opinion, playing video games not only takes much time but is also harmful to health.

8.(A) 每個人都知道…
Everyone knows (that)子句

(B) 就我所知…
As far as my knowledge is concerned, …
As far as my knowledge is concerned, the following ways are of great help to me.

There is no doubt (that)子句
There is no doubt that near-sightedness is a serious problem among the youth of our country.

10. 根據我個人經驗…
According to my personal experience, …
= Based on my personal experience, …
According to my personal experience, smile has done me a lot of good.

11. 在我認識的人當中也許沒有一個人比…更值得我尊敬。
Of all the people I know, perhaps non deserves my respect more than …
Of all the people I know, perhaps non deserves my respect more than Miss Chang, my English

12. 在我的求學過程中我忘不了…
In the course of my schooling. I will never forget …
In the course of my schooling. I will never forget the great difficulty I encountered in learning
13. (A) 隨著人口的增加… With the increase/growth of the population, …
(B) 隨著科技的進步, … With the advance of science and technology, …
With the rapid development of Taiwan's economy, a lot of social problems have come to pass.
14. (A) 在這資訊的年代…扮演重要的角色。
In the age of information and communication, … plays an important role.
(B) 在今日工業社會中…是生命不可或缺的。
In today's industrial society, … is insispensable to life.
In this age of information and communication, the computer plays an exptemely important

15. 在討論…一個人不得不承認…。
In dealing with …, one cannot but admit (that)子句
In dealing with one's future career, one cannot but admit that it is very important to decide one's
future career as early as possible.

16. 世上沒有什麼比…更令我高興。
Nothing in the world can delight me so much as …
Nothing in the world can delight me so much as having hamburgers in fast-food restaurants.

17. … 是必要的 It is necessary that S (should) V
… 是重要的 It is important/essential that S (should) V
… 是適當的 It is proper that S (should) V
… 是緊急的 It is urgent that S (should) V
It is proper that we (should) keep the public places clean.

18. 每當我聽到…我就忍不住感到興奮。Whenever I hear …, I cannot but feel excited.
每當我做… 我就忍不住感到悲傷。 Whenever I do …, I cannot but feel sad.
每當我想到…我就忍不住感到緊張。Whenever I think of …, I cannot but feel nervous.
每當我遭遇…我就忍不住感到害怕。Whenever I meet with …, I cannot but feel frightened.
每當我看到… 我就忍不住感到驚訝。Whenever I see …, I cannot but feel surprised.
Whenever I think of the clean brook near my home, I cannot but feel sad.
= Every time I think of the clean brook near my home, I cannot help feeling sad.

19. 據說… It is said (that)子句
一般認為… It is thought (that)子句
大家都知道… It is known (that)子句
據報導… ` It is reported (that)子句
一般預料… It is expected (that)子句
一般估計… It is estimated (that)子句
一般相信… It is believed (that)子句
It is believed (that) reading increases our knowledge and broadens our mind.
20. …的主要理由是…
The main reason why ….. is (that)子句
The main reason why the juveniles commit crimes is that social environment is becoming worse.

21. 俗語說得好:「…」。
Well goes an old saying, "…"
= As an old saying goes(runs, says), "…"
= An old saying goe s, "…"
= It's an old saying (that)子句
As an old saying goes, "Honesty is the best policy."

22.(A) …用下列方法… … in the following ways.
(B) …有三個主要理由。 … for three major reasons.
(C) 要…至少我們可做三件事。 To …, there are at least three things we can do.
(A) 我用下列方法增加信心。
I increase my confidence in the following ways.
(B) 人們學外語有三個理由。
People learn a foreign language for three major reasons.
(C) 為了維護健康我們每天至少可做三件事。
To keep healthy, there are at least three things we can do every day.

II. 用於文章承轉句

23. 那就是(說)…;亦即…
That is to say, …
= That is, …
= Namely, …
We need to live a regular life. That is, we can keep good hours and refrain from smoking and
drinking in the daily activities.
24. (A) 基於這個理由… For this reason, …
(B) 為了這個 目的… For this purpose, …
For this reason, I have decided to take practicing medicine as my future career.

25. 我們有理由相信…
We have reasons to believe (that)子句
We have reasons to believe that corporal punishment should be strictly prohibited.

26. 事實上…
As a matter of fact, …
= In fact, …
As a matter of fact, it is health that counts.

27. (A) 例如… For example, …
(B) 拿…做例子 Take … for example.
For example, we elevate the living standards blindly, but lower the quality of life.

28. 此外我們不應忽視…
Besides (In addition), we should not neglect …
In addition, we should not neglect that everyone wants a friendly and peaceful society.

29. 相反地…
on the con trary, …
= by contrast, …
On the contrary, a few students, it seems, are still fooling around.

30. 另一方面…
on the other hand, …
The government should enforce laws strictly. On the other hand, the public also should develop
the good habit of reducing pollution.

31. 然而很可惜的是…
However, it is a pity that子句
However, it is a pity that he should always cram at the eleventh hour.

32. 換言之…
in other words, …
= to put it differently
In other words, I will try my best to attain(gain, live up to) my goal.

33. 別人可能認為這是事實但我不是。我認為…
It may be true as assumed by others, but I don't. I believe that子句
It may be true as assumed by others, but I don't. I b elieve that if you have strong determination
and perseverance, the success will certainly come to you in the end.

34. 從此之後我已發現…
Ever since then, I have found that子句
Ever since then, I have found smile the best way to avoid any possible conflicts in our daily lives.

In this light, if…, there can surely be no doubt (that)子句
In this light, if we can make good use of time, there can surely be no doubt that we will get

36. 更嚴重的是…。
What is more serious is (that)子句
What is more serious is that we do not cherish the wildlife.

37. 鑒於社會的實際需要…。
In view of the practical need of society, ….
In view of the practical need of society, there are more and more people interested in learning

III. 用於文章結論句

38. 如果能實踐這三點…。
If one can really put the three points into action(practice), …
If one can really put the three points into action(practice), he will surely be able to live a healthy and
happy life.

39. 做這些簡單之事我們一定可以…。
By doing these simple things, we surely can ….
By doing these simple things, we surely can go out of the door happily and come back home safe
every day.

40. 如此我相信…。
In this way, I believe (that)子句
In this way, I believe that all the people may be able to enjoy the bus ride like me.

41. 實踐這些…。
By putting them(the above) into practice, ….
By putting them(the above) into practice, I have been able to make con stant progress in
intellectual education.

42. (A) 唯有符合此三項要求我們才能…。
Only by living up to the three requirements, can we ….
(B) 唯有通力合作我們才能…。
Only with combined efforts, can we ….
Only with combined efforts, can we expect Taiwan to take a new face in due course.

43. 最後但並非最不重要…。
Last but no least, ….
Last but no least, the shortcoming in education is the cause contributing to juvenile delinquency.

44. 這證據顯示~的重要性在怎麼強調都不為過。
This evidence shows that the importance of ~ cannot be overemphasized.
This evidence shows that the importance of traffic safety cannot be overemphasized.

45. 由於這些理由我…。
For these reasons, I ….
For th ese reasons, I think that receiving college education in Taiwan is wise.

46. 總而言之…。
In conclusion, …
= To sum up, …
In conclusion, a good citizen should abide by traffic regulations.

47. 因此我們能下個結論那就是…。
We can, therefore, come to the conclusion (that)子句
We can, therefore, come to the conclusion that nothing is so precious as freedom in the world.

48. 如果我們能做到如上所述毫無疑問地…。
If we can do as mentioned above, there can be no doubt (that)子句
If we can do as mentioned above, there can be no doubt that we can master English

49. 因此這就是…的原因。
Thus, this is the reason why ….
Thus, this is the reason why I caught a bad cold.

50. 所以我們應該了解…。
Therefore, we should realize (that)子句
Therefore, we should realize that in learning English we cannot do without a dictionary.

51. 因此由上列的討論我們可以明瞭…。
We, therefore, can make clear from the above discussion (that)子句
We, therefore, can make clear from the above discussion that perseverance can overcome any

1. 從~觀點來看…。 From the ~ point of view, ….
2. 根據~的看法…。 According to ~ point of view, ….
From the political point of view, it is a very complex problem

smileronald 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

海、陸、空、車、偶、被by,單數、人類know to man。
原狀because of,、 owing to、 due to表語形容詞
before、after表一點, ago、later表一段。
與之相比beside,除了last but one。
but for否定用虛擬,複合介詞待後言。
例:in the morning 在早上
in the afternoon 在下午
in the evening 在晚上
in the day 在白天
例: at dawn, at daybreak 在黎明時候
at noon 在中午
at night 在夜間
at midnight 在午夜
at six o'clock 在6點鐘
at 7:30 (seven thirty) 在7點半
at half past eleven 在11點半
at nine fifteen 在9點15分
at ten thirty a.m. 在上午10點30分
seven to five 5點差7分(半小時以上)
five minutes after two 2點過5分
at a quarter to two 1點45分
at the weekend 在週末
即在“來年”,在“某月”,在“某年某月” (但在某年某月某
例;in 1986 在1986年
in 1927 在1927年
in April 在四月
in March 在三月
in December 1986 1986年12月
in July l983 1983年7月
in spring 在春季 in summer 在夏季
in autumn 在秋季 in winter 在冬季
in the fist week of this semester 這學期的第一周
in the third week 在第三周
陽光、燈、影、衣、冒 in,
例:Don't read in dim light. 切勿在暗淡的燈光下看書。
They are reviewing their lessons in the bright light. 他們在明亮的燈光下復習功課。
They are sitting in the shade of a tree. 他們坐在樹陰下乘涼。
a prisoner in irons 帶著鐐銬的囚犯
He went in the rain to meet me at the station. 他冒雨到車站去接我。
The poor dressed (clothed) in rags in old society. 舊社會窮人們衣衫襤褸.
以及:in the bright sunlight 在明亮的陽光下
a merchant in disguise 喬裝的商人
the woman in white (black, red, yellow) 穿著白(黑、紅、黃)色衣服的婦女
in uniform 穿著制服
in mourning 穿著喪服
in brown shoes 穿著棕色鞋
in his shirt sleeves 穿著襯衫
例: They will come back in 10 days. 他們將10天以後回來。
I'll come round in a day or two. 我一兩天就回來。
We'll be back in no time. 我們一會兒就回來。
Come and see me in two days' time. 兩天後來看我。(從現在開始)
after... (從過去開始)
例:Li and I arrived at Heishan county safe and sound, all is well. Don't worry. 李和我平安地到達黑山縣,一切很好,勿念。
I live in a great city (big city), my sister lives at a small town while my parents live at a village. 我住在大城市,我姐姐住在一個小城鎮,而我的父母則住在農村。
I'm in Liaoning, at Anshan. 我住在遼寧省鞍山市.
有形with無形by,語言 、單位、材料in
例:The workers are paving a road with stone. 工人們正用石子鋪路。(有形)
The teacher is correcting the paper with a new pen. 這位教師正用一支新筆批改論文。(有形)
"Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy" is a good opera. >是—出好戲。(無形)
The product is separated by distilation into gasoline and gas oil. 這種產品是用蒸餾分離出氣油和粗柴油。 (表示方式、手段、方法——無形)
I really can't express my idea in English freely in-deed. 我確實不能用英語流利地表達我的思想。 (表示某種語言用in)
I wrote a novel in Russian. 我用俄語寫了一本小說。(同上)
The kilometer is the biggest unit of length in the metric system. 公里是米制中最長的長度單位。 (表示度、量、衡單位的用in )
The length is measured in meter, kilometre, and centimetre. 長度是以米、公里、釐米為單位來計算的。(同上)
This board was cast in bronze not in gold. 這個牌匾是銅鑄的,不是金鑄的。
例: The Democratic Party was then in power. 那時民主黨執政。
They found the patient in a coma. 他們發現病人處於昏迷狀態。
He has not been in good health for some years. 他幾年來身體一直不好。
Many who came in despair went away in hope. 許多人帶著絕望情緒而來,卻滿懷希望而去。
The house was in ruins. 這房屋成了廢墟。
The poor girl was in tears. 這個貧苦女孩淚流滿面。
Her clothes were in rags. 她的衣跟穿破了。
His shoes were in holes. 他的鞋穿出窟窿了。
I only said it in fun. 我說這話只是開玩笑的。
She spoke in grief rather than in anger. 與其說她講得很氣憤,不如說她講得很傷心。
in jest 詼諧地,in joke 開玩笑地,in spite 惡意地, in fairness 公正地,in revenge 報復, in mercy 寬大,in sorrow 傷心地等。
His mind was in great confusion. 他腦子裏很亂。
Today everybody is in high spirits and no one is in low ebb. 今天大家都興高采烈,沒有一個情緒低落的。
She and her classmates are in flower ages. 她和她的同學都正值妙齡。
The compaign was in full swing. 運動正值高潮中。
例:we accepted the item in principle. 我們在原則上接受了這個條款。
They are never backward in giving their views. 他們從來不怕發表自己的意見。
The backward area has achieved self-sufficient in grain. 這個落後的地區在糧食方面已能自給。
A good teacher must be an example in study. 一個好的教師必須是學習的模範。
例:All the speeches were taken down in shorthand. 所有報告都用速記記錄下來了。

要想續結果, 下回書
The Party has always educated us in the spirit of patriotism and internationalism. 黨一貫以愛國主義和國際主義精神教育我們。
例如: in all 總計
in advance 事前
in the meantime 與此同時
in place 適當地
in hopes of(或in the hope of) 懷著.......希望
in connection with 和……有關
in contact with 和……聯繫
in addition to 除......以外
in case of 倘若,萬一
in conflict with 和......衝突
in force 有效的,大批
in depth 徹底地
in regard to 關於
in the neighborhood of 大約、鄰近
in retrospect 回顧,一想起
in behalf of 代表......利益
in the least 一點,絲毫
in alarm 驚慌、擔心
in the opinion of 據……見解
in the long run 從長遠說來
in one's opinion 在……看來
in word 口頭上
in a word 總之
in vain 無益地, 白白地
in case 如果,萬一,以防
in detail 詳細地
in haste 急急忙忙地
in conclusion 總之
in spite of 儘管
in other words... 換句話說
in return 作為回報
in the name of 以......名義
be confident in 對......有信心
be interested in 對......感興趣
in doubt 懷疑
in love 戀愛中
in debt 負債
in fun (jest、joke) 玩笑地
in hesitation 猶豫不決
in wonder 在驚奇中
in public (secret) 公開他(秘密地)
in a good humour 心情(情緒)好
介詞at和to都可以表示方向; 用at表示方向時,側重於攻擊的目標,往往表示惡意;用to表示方向時,突出運動的位置或動作的物件,側重表示善意。試比較下列各句:
1. A.She came at me. 她向我撲過來。
B.She came to me. 她向我走過來。
2.A.Jake ran at John. 傑克向約翰撲過去。
B.Jake ran to John. 傑克朝約翰跑去。
3.A. He rushed at the woman with a sword. 他拿著劍向那婦女撲過去。
B. He rushed to the woman with a sword. 他帶著劍向那婦女跑過去。
4.A.He shouted at the old man. 他大聲喝斥那老人。
B. He shouted to the old man. 他大聲向那老人說
5.A.I heard her muttering at Xiao Li. 我聽見她在抱怨小李。
B.I heard her muttering to Xiao Li. 我聽見她在同小李低聲說話。
6.A. She talked at you just now. 她剛才還說你壞話呢。
B.She talked to you just now. 她剛才還同你談話呢.
7.A.She threw a bone at the dog. 她用一塊骨頭砸狗。
B.She threw a bone to the dog. 她把一塊骨頭扔給狗吃。
8.A.He presented a pistol at me. 他用手槍對著我。
B.He presented a pistol to me. 他贈送我一支手槍。
日子、日期、年月日,星期加上早午晚; 以下皆用on。
例: on Octorber the first 1949 1949年10月1日
on February the thirteenth l893 1893年2月13日
on May the first 5月1日
on the first 1號
on the sixteenth 16號
on the second of January 或 on January the second 1月2日
on a summer evening 在夏天的一個夜晚
on Boxing Day 在節禮日(耶誕節次日)
on New Year's Day 在元旦
on my birthday 在我的生日
但 in the Christmas holidays在耶誕節假期; in the eighteenth century 在十八世紀; in ancient times 在古代; in earlier times 在早期; in modern times 在現代,則用in,the present time 現在,at the present day當今則用at。
on May Day 在“五•一”節
on winter day 在冬天
on Decenber 12th 1950 l950年12月12日
on Sunday 在星期天
on Monday 在星期一
on Tuesday morning 星期二早晨
on Saturday afternoon 星期六下午
on Friday evening 星期五晚上
但last night 昨夜;in the evening 在晚上; on time準時,in time及時,等則不同。
例: on the morning of 18th 18日早晨
on the evening of 4th 4日晚上
On the eve of their departure they gave a farewell banquet and their head gave a garewell speech. 他們在臨行前夕舉行了一次告別宴會,他們的團長發表了告別講話。
例:Did your supervisor like the story over (or on) the radio last night?
I heard the news over (or on) the radio. 我從收音機裏聽到了這一條消息。
talk over the radio 由無線電播音
on TV 從電視裏......
hear something on the wireless 在無線電裏聽到
My brother works on an Army reclamation farm. 我哥哥在一個軍墾農場工作。
The students are working on a school farm. 學生們正在校辦農場勞動。
This is a farmer's house on a farm. 這是農場的農舍。
Who is on duty, tody? 今天誰值日?
We go on duty at 8 a.m. 我們上午8點鐘上班。
例: This afternoon we are going to listen to a report on the international situation. 今天下午我們要聽關於國際形勢的報告。
Professor Shen will give us a talk on travelling in America. 申教授將給我們做關於美國之行的報告。
You are wrong on all these issues. 在這些問題上你的看法都錯了。
The belief is based on practical experience. 這種信念是以實際經驗為基礎的。
Theory must be based on practice. 理論必須以實踐為基礎。
The people in the south live on rice. 南方人主食大米。(靠)
The citizens live on their salaries. 城市人靠薪金生活。
You can't afford luxuries, on an income of 100 yuan a month. 靠月薪100元的收入,你是買不起奢侈品的。
Her pet dogs were fed on the choicest food. 她用精飼料餵養她心愛的狗。
He is just a scrounger, who lives on other people. 他正是一個小偷,專靠損害別人過日子。
Keep the kettle on the boil (=boiling). 讓水壺的水一直開著。
The enemy are on the run (=running). 敵人在逃跑。
on the march在行軍中,on the mend 在好轉中,on the prowl徘徊,on the move活動中,on the scrounge巧取豪奪(埋語),on the go活躍,忙碌,on the lookout注意, 警戒,on the watch監視著。on the hop趁不備抓住某人等等。
on the People's Democratic Dictatorship>和>
on the People's Democratic Dictatorship>
"on Coalition Government" >
例:The house next to mine was on fire. 我鄰居的房子著火了。
The workers of the railway station were on strike. 鐵路工人罷工了。
Grapes and big water melons from Sinkiang are on sale on a large sale. 新疆葡萄和西瓜大量上市了。
do something on the sly (quiet). 秘密地(暗地裏,偷偷地)做某事。
I've come here on business. 我是有公事來的。
They went to Bern on a mission. 他們到伯爾尼去執行一項使命。
They has been away on a long trip. 他們出去做一次長途旅行。
I'll go home on leave next month. 下月我將休假回家。
I went on business to Shanghai. I did not take leave. 我是公出去上海的,不是不告而別。
She came to see you on purpose. 她是專程來看你的。
He came here on purpose to discuss it with you. 他到這來是要與你討論這件事的。
This lunch is on me.
"No. let's go Dutch."
On the contrary, it was very easy to understand. 相反,這事兒很容易理解。
P1ease come on time. (on schedule). 請準時來。
注:in time是“及時”的意思。
The train arrived on schedule. 火車準時到達。
例:Gases expand on heating and contract on cooling. 氣體加熱時膨脹,冷卻時收縮。(特定時間)
On entering the room, he found his friends dancing in high spirits. 一進屋,他就發現他的朋友們在愉快地跳舞。
On reaching the city he called up Lao Yang. 一到城裏他就給老楊打了一個電話。
I'll write to him on hearing from you. 我接到你的來信就給他寫信。(一……就)
以及on the left, right向左向右,on the stair在臺階上等。
例:On foot步行; on horse騎馬; on donkey 騎驢。
He rode on, blood flowing from his side. 他騎著馬,鮮血從腰部流下來。
The soldier of the Eighth Route Army rode 100 li on a horse a day in order to catch up with his unit. 為趕上部隊,那位八路軍戰士騎馬日行百里。
Go on horse back! 騎馬去!
You are having me on! 你和我開玩笑呢!
in cab和in carriage 不能用on或by cab或carrige。

例:At the foot of the mountain, there are thirty of our comrades. 在山腳下,有我們30個同志。
There is a beautiful lake at the foot of the hill. 山腳下有一個美麗的湖。
At the gate of the house there are many children playing glassball. 門口有一大群孩子在玩玻璃球。
Who's standing there at the door? 誰站在門口?
I don't need the dictionary at present. 我現在還不需要這本詞典。
He is at present in Washington. 他目前正在華盛頓。
The train runs at fifty kilometres an hour. 火車每小時行駛50公里。
we built the plant at top speed and minimun cost. 我們以最低的投資,最高的速度修建了該工廠。
at home 在國內,在家裏
at ten degrees centigrade 在攝氏10度
at minus ten degrees centigrade 攝氏零下10度
Water freezes at 0°centigrade. 水在鑷氏零度結冰。
Water usually boils at 100°. 水通常在攝氏100度沸騰。
at zero 在零度
at the rate of 45 miles an hour
at full speed 全速
at a good price 高價
at a low cost 低成本
at a great cost 花了很大代價
at that time 在當時
Evaporation takes place at all tempertures. 蒸發在任何溫度下都能發生。
at 1000RPM (revolution per minute) 每分鐘1000轉
at a high speed 高速
The soldiers launched an attack upon the enemy at sunset. 戰士們在日落時對敵人發起了攻擊。
at daybreak 日出時
The force at the core leading our cause forward is the Chinese Communist Party. 領導我們事業的核心力量是中國共產黨。
The atom has a nucleus at its core. 在原子的中心有一個原子核。
At the beginning of this term the teacher in charge of our class was very strict with us. 這學期開始,我們的班主任老師對我們要求非常嚴格。

下回書再續! :em27:
接上回書! :em27:
以及At the first session of the First National People's congress of the People's Republic of China. 在中華人民共和國第一次全國人民代表大會第一次會議上.
at first 首先,開始時
at least 至少
at all events 無論如何
at home 在家,無拘束
at one stroke 一下子
at a loss 不知怎辦
at any rate 不管怎樣
at length 詳細地
be at high tide 處於高潮期
at our invitation 應我們的邀請
at our request 應我們的請求
at the news 聽到這消息
at the risk of 冒......危險
at a great expense 以巨大費用
at a stroke 一舉
at intervals of 每隔
at liberty 有權,隨意
at the sight of 一見到
at the point of 接近,靠近
at the thought of 一想到
at the speed of 以......速度
at the cost (price) of 以......為代價
at leisure 閑著、失業
at the disposal of 任憑……使用
at stake 在危險中、在成敗關頭
at bottom 實際上、本質上
at short notice 一得到通知
at seeing us 看到我們
at the happy tidings 聽到喜訊
at sixteen 在16歲時
at the present stage 在現階段
at the weekend 週末
at all times 永遠
at 405 Victory Road 在勝利路405號
例:We write with ballpens. 我們用油筆寫字。(工具)
但He write in blue ink. 他用藍水筆寫字(墨水用in不用with)
Theory must go hand in hand with practice. 理論必須同實踐相結合。(同)
He is talking with friends. 他正同朋友們談話。〔同)
I'd like to have a dinner with a friend. 我喜歡同朋友共同進餐。
We must co-operate closely with them. 我們必須同他們緊密合作。(同)
We, as human beings are going to leave, but friendship has taken roots among us and our hearts are linked with yours. 我們雖然就要走了,但是友誼卻在我們之間紮了根,我們的心和你們的心是緊緊相連的。(和或同〕
A cadre must become one with the masses.幹部必須和群眾打成一片。
I'm with you. 我同意你。
An atom is so small that we can't see it with a microscope. 原子太小,即使用顯微鏡也看不見它。(工具)
In the past I had to part with my wife. 舊社會我不得不和妻子離別。(和)
The socialist revolution is deepening with each passing day. 社會主義革命日益深入。(隨著)
They sail with the wind. 他們順風航行。(隨著)
With the change of the economic foundation, the superstructure has to be transformed too. 隨著經濟基礎的改變,上層建築也必須改變。(隨著)
With the battlle of Waterloo, Napoleon's rule in Europe was ended. 滑鐵盧一戰,拿破崙對歐洲的統治就完蛋了。
The modern electron tube. 隨著電子管的發明而誕生了現代電子工業.
She is with child. = She is in a very interesting condition. = in a family way, = She is pregnant (in pregnancy). 她懷孕了。(有)
但She is with a child.意為:“她領著一個孩子。”
China is a very large country with a long history. 中國是一個歷史悠久的大國。(具有)
China is a country with a population of ten billion people. 中國是一個有10億人口的國家。(具有)
What is the matter with you? 怎麼回事?(就,關於)
How is it with you? 你怎麼啦?(就,關於)
Everything was going well with them. 他們一切都進行得很順利。(就……)
It is a very intense flash with a lot of power packed into it. 由於聚集了大量的能,所以閃光非常強烈。(獨立結構)
With a new welding technique introduced, the use of stainless steel was no longer limited to making small things only. 由於新的焊接技術的引進,不銹鋼的使用就不僅僅局限在微小的物件上了。(獨立結構)
With all its beams advancing in step with each other the laser possessed very particular properties which no ordinary light ever has. 由於鐳射的光束同步,所以它具有普通光所沒有的特殊性質。(獨立結構)
Without the temperature or pressure changed matter can never change from one state into another. 沒有溫度或壓力的變化,物質永遠不能以一種狀態變到另一種狀態。(獨立結構)
The evil landlord was trembling with fear. 那個萬惡的地主嚇得渾身發抖。(原因)
My wife's hands were rough with work. 我愛人因為老幹活,手很租糙。(原因).
With the help of my classmate's taperecorder I listen to the Voice of America and B.B.C every day. 借助於我同學的答錄機,我每天收聽美國之音和B.B.C。(原因)
With televition, we can see all kinds of programmes on the screen sitting at home without going to the movies and theatres. 因為有了電視,我們坐在家裏就能看到各種節目, 而不必去影院、戲院了。(原因)
例:How are the things with you? 你情況怎樣?
What's wrong with your eyes? 你的眼睛怎麼啦?
Something is wrong with my hands. 我手出點毛病。
Everything was going well with them. 他們一切都進行得很順利。
Parents must be strict with their children. 父母對子女要嚴格。(對)
The doctor was very patient with his patients. 那位醫生對患者非常耐心。(對)
I'm quite satisfied with your answer. 我對你的回答很滿意。(對)
Many intellectuals with revolutionary tendencies went to the liberated areas. 許多帶有革命傾向的知識份子都投奔解放區了。(有)
These apartment houses are for workers with families. 這些住宅樓是給有家屬的工人蓋的。
He was sitting in a chair with his hands folded. 他兩手交叉在胸前坐在椅子上。(狀語)獨立結構
They are highly mechanized farms, with machinery to do all the work. 它們是高度機械化的農場,所有工作都由機器進行。(狀語)獨立結構
I will be with you again in half an hour. 過半個鐘頭我還會跟你們在一起的。
Our sympathies were with the students persecuted by the gang of four during the cultural revolution. 我們是非常同情“文革”中被“四人幫”迫害的青年學生的。(with的介詞短語作表語)。
海、陸、空、車、偶、被by,單數人類known to man
例: by land (air, sea, water, bus)
by micro bus 坐小麵包車(微型汽車)
by mini bus 坐小麵包車
by train 坐火車
by trolley bus 坐無軌電車
by tram 坐有軌電車
by bike 騎自行車
by motor car 騎摩托車
by tube 坐地鐵
by airbus 坐大型客機(空中汽車〕
by jeep 坐吉普車
by chance 偶然
by accident 偶然,無意中
以及by virture of 靠、由於
by leaps and bounds 大幅度地
by way of 經由
by the book 按常規
The list of discoveries by "accident" could fill a long book. 偶然的發現可以寫一本很厚的書。(偶然)
The law of relativity was formulated by Einstein. 相對論是愛因斯坦創立的。(被動)
The book was written by Mr. Zhang. 這本書是張先生寫的。(被動)
That in 1969 the first artificial satellite was launched to the space is known to man. 1969年第一顆人造衛星上了天是眾所周知的。
這裏用to man而不用by。即當單數又無冠詞的man和known搭配時,表示人類不用by。
this,that,tomorrow,yesterday,next, last, one
例;一天one day (不說on one day)
one summer 在一個夏天
one year 一年
Iast nieht 昨天夜裏
last Friday 上個星期五
last month 上月
last year 去年
yesterday afternoon 昨天下午
tomorrow afternoon 明天下午
tomorrow evening 明天晚上
next month 下個月
next week 下周
next year 明年
next Saturday 下星期六
this morning 今天早晨
this year 今年
this Tuesday 本星期二
this Autumn 今年秋天
that morning 那天早上
that evening 那天晚上
無論前面介詞in、on還是at,通通可省略,不能說at last night, on last Friday, in last month, in this year這些都是不對的,須去掉介詞。
over, under正上下,above, below則不然
例:There is a picture over the window.
The plane flew above the city. 飛機飛過城市上空。(高於城市並非正上方)
A lamp was hanging over the table. 一盞燈是在方桌上方。(正上方)
The moon was now above the trees in the east. 這時月亮已經在東邊樹林的上方。(非正上方)
Don't stand above the masses. 勿高踞於群眾之上。(比喻一非正上方)
The mountain is 700 feet above sea level. 這座山海拔700米。(非正上方)
There is a small building below the hill. 山下有座小樓房。(非正下方)
There is a submarine under the water. 水下有艘潛水艇。(正下方)
Water was found ten feer below the surface. 在地面下10英尺處找到了水。(非正下方)
The peasants are cooling themselves under the trees. 農民們正在樹下乘涼。(正下方)
over under正上下,低高below與above
The temperature in the room is below (or under) 30℃. 室溫是攝氏30度以下。(數量詞兩者皆可)
Do you have anything in the way of computers below (under) $10000? 你們有哪些價格低於10000美元的電腦? (數量詞兩者皆可〕
例:It's quite beyond me (It is more than I can understand). 這我完全不懂。
Don't stay out beyond 10 o'clock. 不要在外呆到10點以後還不回家。
But the gratitude from the bottom of my heart to the students and my old colleagues, has gone beyond my control. 發自肺腑的對學生們和我的老同事們的感激之心使我毫不緊張,毫不拘束;
Your work is beyond all praise, so good that it can't be praised enough. 你的成績是讚揚不盡的。
That is going beyond a joke, passes the limits of what is reasonable as a joke. 那樣開玩笑太過火了。
They were touched beyond words. 他們被感動得無法形容。(無)
To do this was quite beyond all doubts. 辦這事我無能為力。(超出)
This is inevitable and beyond all doubts. 這是必然的,毫無疑義的。(無)
另外, Beyond two cottages stood his house.
against 靠著,對與反
例: In front of the wardrobe there are two upholstered armchairs arranged against the south wall near the door. 立櫃前面是兩把沙發椅,靠著南城門附近。 (靠著)
She leaned wearily against the railings. 她疲憊地靠著欄杆站著。(靠著)
A new president was elected by a majority of 274 votes against 110. 新總統以274票對110票的多數當選。(對……)
besides, except分內外,among之內along沿
例:The design has many other advantages besides lower cost. 除費用低外,該設計還有許多其他優點。(優點包括在內)
He had no time to prepare his lecture, besides which he was unwell. 他沒有時間準備講稿,而且他的身體也不大舒適。
Every one of us, except her, went to see the exhibition. 除她外,我們都去參觀了展覽會。
He gets up early every day except Sunday. 除星期日外他每天早起。
Nobody was late except me. 除我以外,沒人遲到。

He's composition is good, except for some spelling mistakes. 他的這篇作文寫得很好,只是有幾處拼寫錯誤。(非同類比較用except for)
She was all alone in the world except for an old aunt. 除了有一個老姑媽,她別無親人。
Anna felt disappointed when she found out they had gone swimming without her. (without=except) 當安娜發現除她外,他們都去游泳了,她感到很失望。
Lion Head Hill is not worth seeing except for its old temples. 除了那些古寺以外,獅頭山沒什麼可看的。
Among other things, we are interested in drawing. 我們對圖畫和別的一些東西很感興趣。 (among之內即包括在內)
原狀because of, owing to, due to表語形容詞
例:Owing to our joint efforts, the task was fulfilled ahead of schedule. 由於我們的共同努力,任務提前完成了。
注:Owing to 和 because of 都做原因狀語,而due to只能做表語形容詞。所以此句。owing to 的介詞短語做原因狀語。
AII our achievements are due to the correct leadership of our Party. 我們的一切成績都歸功於黨。 (due to做表語形容詞)
例:The road is under repair now. 這條路正在修建中。
The now railway is stil under construction. 新鐵路尚在修築中。(不能用in)
under discussion 在討論中(不能用in) under considerat 在考慮中(不能用in)
The desk is made of wood. 桌子是木頭做的。(物理變化用of)
The wine is made from grape. 這種酒是用葡萄釀造的。(化學變化)
The bridge is made of steel. 這座橋是鋼制的。(物理變化)
Steel is made from iron. 鋼是由鐵煉成的。(化學變化)

before, after 表一點,ago, later表示一段
即before, after常表示一個點的時間狀語,而ago,later常表示一段的時間狀語。
例如:前天the day before yesterday;前年the year before last; 大上星期the week before last等等都表示點狀語的。要想準確無誤地使用好before和ago, after和later比較困難,但要是以“點”和“段”來區別就容易得多。
例:晚飯前 before supper
解放前 before liberation
1970年前 before 1970
文革前 before cultural revolution
國慶前 before National Day
入大學前 before coming to college
例:一分鐘前 a minute ago
半小時前 half an hour ago
兩天前 two days ago
一星期前 a week ago
五年前 five years ago
因為 a minute, half an hour, two days, a week, five years等都表示一段時間,所以用ago。以及ten days later等皆如此。
例:We had scarcely left our school before it began to rain. 我們剛離開學校,天就下雨了。(完成時)
I had studied French for four months before I came here. 我來這兒以前就已學了四個月法語了。 (before接完成時)
He fell ill three days ago. 他病了三天了。(ago則只能接動詞過去式,同時注意瞬間動詞的問題。)
He left two months ago. 兩個月前他離開了。(同上)
I met her a few minutes ago. 我在幾分鐘前碰到他了。(同上)
與之相比beside, 除了last but one。
即beside的一般用法是“在......旁邊", 但還有"和......相比”等特殊用法。
例:I feIt so weak in spoken English beside them. 和他們相比,我感到我的口語太差。
Beside work and study, all else was trivial. 同工作和學習比起來,其他一切都是小事。
除了last but one,即but多指“除了”的意思,也有“倒數第幾”的意思。last but one即不是最後一個。
例:I haven't told anybody but one. 除了我愛人,我誰也沒告訴。(除了)
Who but a fool would study foreign language well if he is a hard working one. 如果他勤奮好學的話,除了傻瓜誰都能學好外語。 (除了)
Look at the last page but one. 請看倒數第2頁。
He was the last but three in maths examination this time. 他這次數學考試成績倒數第四。
They live in the next house but one. 他們住在隔壁過去一家。
複不定for,即用for引出的不定式複合結構,也就是for加名(代)加不定式;找,意為找到,提供; 價,意為價格、工資;原,意為原因;段,意為時間或距離; 去,意為去某地或開往某地;作,意為作為; 贊,意為贊成(用於系表結構。)
例:It is high time for us to start. 我們不該再遲延了。
The most urgent thing is for us to get the preparation done. 員重要的事情是我們要把準備工作做好。
I don't think it advisable for him to study medicine. 我想她學醫不適合。
Your parents and relatives are anxious for you to go to college. 你的父母和親戚渴望你上大學。
My home town has changed too much for me to recognize. 我的家鄉變化太大,簡直認不出來了。
Someone is asking for you on the telephone. 有人找你接電話。(找)
You'd better write to me for more information about it. 如需更多這方面的資科和資訊,你最好給我寫信。(提問,索要)
They worked in the company for 200 yuan a month. 他們在這個公司幹活,每月嫌200元。(價格)
How much did you pay for the second-hand colour TV? 這台用過的彩電你花了多少錢2(價格)
Thank you very much for your coming. 謝謝您的光臨。〔原因)
Thank you for your warm hospitality. 謝謝您的熱情款待。(原因)
Forgive me for being tardy. 請原諒我遲到了。(原因)
I'm much obliged to you for telling me. 非常感謝你給我談了這個情況。(原因)
We have boundless admiration for your struggle. 對你們酌鬥爭我們無限欽佩。(對)
Listening comprehension materials are good for training our minds. 聽力材料對訓練我們的腦子根有好處。(對)
Take the bitter medicine. It's good for you. 吃下這藥吧,對你有好處。(對)
There is a telegram for Mr. Wang. 這有一份王先生的電報。(給)
May I use it for a minute? 我用一會兒好嗎?(一段時間)
I followed the stealer for some distance. 我跟蹤那個小愉一段路。(一段距離)
The ship was for Dalian. 這破船開往大連。(去某地)
We are off for Shanghai tomorrow. 明天我們去上海。(去某地)
The medicine is for reducing your temperature. 這藥是退燒的。(為……目的)
After breakfast. I'll go for a stroll round the town. 吃完飯我要在城裏到處走走。(為……目的)
I'll keep the lighter given by a foreign friend for a souvenir. 我要把外賓送給我的打火機作為紀念。(作為)
It is only meant for a joke. 這只是當笑話說說罷了。(作為)
We are all for cutting down the cost of production. 我們都贊成降低生產成本。(贊成)
例:It's getting on towards the end of term now. 現在已快到學期未了。(快到)
Towards midnight my husband came back. 快到半夜了我的丈夫才回來。(快到)
Our teacher was very lenient towards us. 我們的老師對我們很松。(對)
What you have invented is really a big contribution towards our company. 你所發明的對我們公司確實是一大貢獻。(對)
The boy came running towards his mother. 那個男孩向他母親跑去。(向著)
but for 否定用虛擬,複合介詞待後言。
but for是“若不是”的意思。
例:But for our great Communist Party, we could never have today's happiness. 若沒有偉大的共產黨,我們決不會有今天的幸福生活。
But for this chemical the vapour inside the system would not have been absorbed so completely. 若沒有這個化學劑的作用,系統內的蒸氣不可能被吸收得這麼徹底。
but for將在虛擬語氣中詳講。
例:in general 一般說來
in short 簡言之
in other words 換言之
in my opinion 依我看
in simple words 簡言之
on the whole 基本上
for instance 例如
for short 簡稱
after all 畢竟
above all 首先
by appearance 從外表
by the atd of 借……的幫助
by far ……得多
by course of ......照......常例
by reason of 由於
by request 應邀
by right of 由於 憑藉
out of date 過時
out of harmony with 與...... 不一致
out of harmony with 擺脫困境
out of bounds 超出許可權
out of proportion to 與......不相稱
out of reach 力量不及
out of one's wits 不知所措
out of question 沒問題
out of the question 不可能的
to a great extent 很大程度上
Io one's taste 合......胃口
to one's thinking 據……看來
to one's heart's content 盡情地
to the utmost 盡力
behind schedule 不準時
behind the times 過時的
behind the curtain 在幕後
within reach 能力所及
within a hair's breadth 差—點
wlthin a stone's throw of 在附近
beyond description 無法形容
beyond reason 毫無道理
beyond reproach 無可指責
beyond one's expectation 超出......範圍
beyond expression 無法表達
respecting由於, 鑒於; considering 由於, 鑒於; excepting除了; concerning關於; excepting for除外; excluding除外; without excepting sb. 包含; including 包括,包含; following 在……之後; regarding 關於; respecting 在......方面; concerning 有關;
例:considering 由於;
Considering that table salt is the commonest source of sodium in food, the diet usually calls for eating salt-free foods. 由於食鹽是鈉在食物中普遍的來源,醫生給病人規定的,飲食通常要求吃無鹽食品。
Respecting the heavy rain, we had to put off the match. 鑒於下大雨,我們不得不推遲了這場比賽。
excepting 除了:
excepting 可單獨使用,可以與always或否定詞not 連用,也可以與for, without 之類介詞連用。
Excepting one of his close friends, they were present at the party. 除了他的一個摯友外,他們都來赴宴了。
He is an honest man, excepting for his quick temper. 他是個老實人,只是("除了" 脾氣暴躁。(同類比較except,加for異類記心間)。
Everybody is in higt spirits, always excepting him. 大家都情緒高昂,唯他"除外"(例外)。
Only a few survivors without excepting him were living in the settlement. 包括他在內,只有幾個倖存者住在新拓居地。
The new apartment consists of three rooms including the kitchen. 這套公寓有三間,包括廚房。
following 在......之後: 相當於after
The week following his first vist to the newsroom he was appointed editor of the important column. 在拜訪該報社編輯部的"第二個"星期,他放任命為該報重要專欄的主筆。
regarding 關於:相當於about
Regarding research investment and number of researchers engaged in this field of research, the U.S.A. commands an overwhelming position followed by Japan. "關於"投入該領域研究的投資額和研究人員的數量,美國占壓倒優勢,其次是日本。
respectiong 在……方面:
Respectiong education, health, medical care as well as production and labor technological development will have to be evaluated with due thought given to social systems and humanism. "在"教育、衛生、生產勞動"方面", 評價技術的發展需根據社會制度和人道主義。
concerning 有關:
The following are some of the arguments both pros and cons concerning computers, thinking, and artificial intelligence. 下面是“有關”電腦、思維和人工智慧方面持贊成和反對態度的一些論據。
當然,這些ing型的介詞,在句子中也有分詞、動名詞和連詞的語法功能。 excluding 和 including,表示排除與包含。
Last year British sales to the rigion were more than $8 billion, while French exports, excluding arms brought in around $3 billion. 去年,英國對這個地區的銷售額達80多億美元,而法國的出口額(武器除外)約為30億美元。
Stress may deplete vitamin C in your body, as can smoking, drinking and a variety of drugs, not excepting aspirin. 生活緊張會耗盡你體內的維生素c,正如吸煙、飲酒、服用某些藥物(包括阿斯匹林)一樣。

smileronald 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

英語中, 有些單詞的拼法很相似,容易混淆,下面就是一些這類的詞。
1) quite 相當 quiet 安靜地
2) affect v 影響, 假裝 effect n 結果, 影響
3) adapt 適應 adopt 採用 adept 內行
4) angel 天使 angle 角度
5) dairy 牛奶廠 diary 日記
6) contend 奮鬥, 鬥爭 content 內容, 滿足的 context 上下文 contest 競爭, 比賽
7) principal 校長, 主要的 principle 原則
8) implicit 含蓄的 explicit 明白的
9) dessert 甜食 desert 沙漠 v 放棄 dissert 寫論文
10) pat 輕拍 tap 輕打 slap 掌擊 rap 敲,打
11) decent 正經的 descent n 向下, 血統 descend v 向下
12) sweet 甜的 sweat 汗水
13) later 後來 latter 後者 latest 最近的 lately adv 最近
14) costume 服裝 custom 習慣
15) extensive 廣泛的 intensive 深刻的
16) aural 耳的 oral 口頭的
17) abroad 國外 aboard 上(船,飛機)
18) altar 祭壇 alter 改變
19) assent 同意 ascent 上升 accent 口音
20) champion 冠軍 champagne 香檳酒 campaign 戰役
21) baron 男爵 barren 不毛之地的 barn 古倉
22) beam 梁, 光束 bean 豆 been have 過去式
23) precede 領先 proceed 進行,繼續
24) pray 祈禱 prey 獵物
25) chicken 雞 kitchen 廚房
26) monkey 猴子 donkey 驢
27) chore 家務活 chord 和弦 cord 細繩
28) cite 引用 site 場所 sight 視覺
29) clash (金屬)幢擊聲 crash 碰幢,墜落 crush 壓壞
30) compliment 讚美 complement 附加物
31) confirm 確認 conform 使順從
32) contact 接觸 contract 合同 contrast 對照
33) council 議會 counsel 忠告 consul 領事
34) crow 烏鴉 crown 王冠 clown 小丑 cow 牛
35) dose 一劑藥 doze 打盹
36) drawn draw 過去分詞 drown 溺水
37) emigrant 移民到國外 immigrant 從某國來的移民
38) excess n 超過 exceed v超過 excel 擅長
39) hotel 青年旅社 hostel 旅店
40) latitude 緯度 altitude 高度 gratitude 感激
41) immoral 不道德 的 immortal 不朽的
42) lone 孤獨的 alone 單獨的 lonely 寂寞的
43) mortal 不死的 metal 金屬 mental 神經的 medal 勳章 model 模特meddle 玩弄
44) scare 驚嚇 scarce 缺乏的
45) drought 天旱 draught 通風, 拖 拉 draughts (英)國際跳棋
46) assure 保證 ensure 使確定 insure 保險
47) except 除外 expect 期望 accept 接受 excerpt 選錄 exempt 免除
48) floor 地板 flour 麵粉
49) incident 事件 accident 意外
50) inspiration 靈感 aspiration 渴望
51) march 三月, 前進 match 比賽
52) patent 專利 potent 有力的 potential 潛在的
53) police 警察 policy 政策 politics 政治
54) protest 抗議 protect 保護
55) require 需要 inquire 詢問 enquire 詢問 acquire 獲得
56) revenge 報仇 avenge 為...報仇
57) story 故事 storey 樓層 store 商店
58) strike 打 stick 堅持 strict 嚴格的
59) expand 擴張 expend 花費 extend 延長
60) commerce 商業 commence 開始
61) through 通過 thorough 徹底的 (al)though 儘管 thought think 過去分詞
62) purpose 目的 suppose 假設 propose 建議
63) expect 期望 respect 尊敬 aspect 方面 inspect 視察 suspect 懷疑
64) glide 滑翔 slide 使滑行 slip 跌落
65) steal 偷 steel 鋼
66) strive 努力 stride 大步走
67) allusion 暗示 illusion 幻覺 delusion 錯覺 elusion 逃避
68) prospect 前景 perspective 透視法
69) stationery 文具 stationary 固定的
70) loose 松的 lose 丟失 loss n 損失 lost lose過去式
71) amend 改正, 修正 emend 校正
72) amoral unmoral immoral 同義 不道德的
73) capitol 大廈 capital 首都
74) casual 隨便的 causal 表原因的
75) extend 延伸 extent 長度 extant 現存的
76) inability 沒能力 disability 殘疾
77) personnel 人事 personal 個人的
78) statue 塑像 statute 法令 stature 身長 status 地位
79) widow 寡婦 window 窗戶
80) socks 短襪 stockings 長筒襪
81) tax 稅 taxi 出租
82) definite 不定的 infinite 無限的
83) grim 嚴酷的 grime 污點
84) crayon 蠟筆 canyon 山谷
85) recent 最近 resent 生氣
86) phrase 短語 phase 階段
87) mission 使命 emission 散發, 發射 mansion 大廈
88) vision 視覺 version 譯本
89) gasp 上氣不接下氣 grasp 抓住
90) delicate 微妙的 dedicate 獻身
91) idle 空閒的 idol 偶像
92) induce 促使,勸誘 deduce 推測 reduce 減少 seduce 誘使
93) lapse 流逝 elapse 消逝 eclipse 日食
94) rude 粗魯的 crude 天然的
95) source 水源 sauce 醬油 saucer 茶托 resource 資源 recourse 求援
96) sled (兒童)雪橇 sledge 雪橇
97) stripe 條紋 strip 條 trip 旅行
98) vocation 職業 vacation 假期 evocation 召集 revocation 撤回
99) ardor 熱情 adore 崇拜 adorn 裝飾
100) area 區域 era 時代
101) resemble 象... assemble v 集合,裝配 assembly n 集合, 裝配
102) assume 假定 resume 恢復
103) attain 達到 obtain 獲得 abstain 放棄
104) award 授予 reward 獎賞
105) baggage (American English) luggage 行李
106) badge 徽章 bandage 繃帶
107) blade 刀刃 bald 禿的 bold 大膽
108) bloom 開花 blossom 開花(結果實) bosom 胸口
109)blush 臉紅 flush 發紅(臉)
110) bride 新娘 bribe 賄賂
111) growl 咆哮 howl 狼叫
112) depress 使沮喪 suppress 鎮壓 oppress 壓迫
113) dime 一角 dim 暗淡的
114) dizzy 眼花繚亂 dazzle 使眼花
115) brown 褐色 brow 眼眉 blow 打擊
116) bullet 子彈 bulletin 公告
117) carton 紙板盒 cartoon 動畫
118) chivalry 騎士精神 cavalry 騎兵隊
119) collar 領子 cellar 地窖 color 顏色
120) vanish 消失 evanish 使消失
121) intrude 入侵 extrude 逐出 detrude 推下
122) contort 扭彎 distort 弄彎 retort 反駁
123) eminent 傑出的 imminent 逼近的
124) decline 下降 recline 放置 incline 傾斜
125) exclaim 呼喊 proclaim 宣佈 acclaim 歡呼 declaim 朗誦
126) edict 法令 indict 控告
127) perfuse 潑灑 profuse 浪費的
128) reject 拒絕 eject 逐出 inject 注射 deject 使沮喪
129) literacy 識字 literary 文學的 literature 文學 literal 文字的
130) median 中央的,中線的 medium 媒體
131) expel 驅逐 repel 反擊 impel 推動 dispel 驅散
132) rip 撕 ripe 熟的
133) wench 絞車 wrench 扭傷
134) confidant 知己 confident 有信心的
135) dine 吃飯 diner 吃飯人 dinning n 吃飯 dinner 晚飯
136) dreg 渣滓 drag 拖拉
137) faint 失去知覺 feint 佯攻
138) imprudence 輕率 impudence 無恥
139) specie 硬幣 species 種類
140) hanger 鉤子 hangar 棚廠 hunger 飢餓
141) suite 一(套,批) suit一套衣服

smileronald 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

What can i show you?或May i help you?
I'm looking for some jackets.
how about those on models?
May i try this on?
What material is this?
Is this pure or imitation?
Are these jackets in fashion?
It's a famous brand.
Have you black?
It sells like hot cakes.
Could you alter it for me ?
Follow me to a fitting room.
How does it fit you?
This jacket fits me well.
What a price.
How about half the price?
Can you offer discount?
How much in all?
It comes to 7.5 dollars.
Could you please gift-wrap it?
Can you make it cheaper?
How soon can they be delivered?
Do you honor(take) this credit card?
Does this watch have warranty(guarantee)?
The article(goods) are sold out.
This is out of stock.
Can i refund(return)?
Your receipt, please.
Do you want buy used goods?
Here is an auction site.
What are the store's hours?
Do you have this dress in a different size?
It looks nice on you.
Too much, what's your recommendation?
How would you like to pay for it?

smileronald 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

1. Stop complaining! 別發牢騷!

2. You make me sick! 你真讓我噁心!

3. What's wrong with you? 你怎麼回事?

4. You shouldn't have done that! 你真不應該那樣做!

5. You're a jerk! 你是個廢物/混球!

6. Don't talk to me like that! 別那樣和我說話!

7. Who do you think you are? 你以為你是誰?

8. What's your problem? 你怎麼回事啊?

9. I hate you! 我討厭你!

10. I don't want to see your face! 我不願再見到你!

11. You're crazy! 你瘋了!

12. Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind? 你瘋了嗎?(美國人絕對常用 !)

13. Don't bother me. 別煩我。

14. Knock it off. 少來這一套。

15 . Get out of my face. 從我面前消失!

16. Leave me alone. 走開。

17. Get lost.滾開!

18. Take a hike! 哪兒涼快哪兒歇著去吧。

19. You piss me off. 你氣死我了。

20. It's none of your business. 關你屁事!

21. What's the meaning of this? 這是什麼意思?

22. How dare you! 你敢!

23. Cut it out. 省省吧。

24. You stupid jerk! 你這蠢豬!

25. You have a lot of nerve. 臉皮真厚。

26. I'm fed up. 我厭倦了。

27. I can't take it anymore. 我受不了了!(常用)

28. I've had enough of your garbage. 我聽膩了你的廢話。

29. Shut up! 閉嘴!

30. What do you want? 你想怎麼樣?

31. Do you know what time it is? 你知道現在都幾點嗎?

32. What were you thinking? 你腦子進水啊?

33. How can you say that? 你怎麼可以這樣說?

34. Who says? 誰說的?

35. That's what you think! 那才是你腦子裏想的!

36. Don't look at me like that. 別那樣看著我。

37. What did you say? 你說什麼?

38. You are out of your mind. 你腦子有毛病!

39. You make me so mad.你氣死我了啦。

40. Drop dead. 去死吧!

41. fXXk off. 滾蛋。

42. Don't give me your shit. 別跟我胡扯。

43. Don't give me your ex cuses/ No more excuses. 別找藉口。

44. You're a pain in the ass. 你這討厭鬼。

45. You're an asshole. 你這缺德鬼。

46. You bastard! 你這雜種!

47. Get over yourself. 別自以為是。

48. You're nothing to me. 你對我什麼都不是。

49. It's not my fault. 不是我的錯。

50. You look guilty. 你看起來心虛。

51. I can't help it. 我沒辦法。

52. That's your problem. 那是你的問題。

53. I don't want to hear it. 我不想聽!

54. Get off my back. 少跟我囉嗦。

55. Give me a break. 饒了我吧。

56. Who do you think youre talking to? 你以為你在跟誰說話?

57. Look at this mess! 看看這爛攤子!

58. Youre so careless. 你真粗心。

59. Why on earth didn't you tell me the truth? 你到底為什麼不跟我說實話?

60. I'm about to explode! 我肺都快要氣炸了!

61. What a stupid idiot! 真是白癡一個!

62. I'm not going to put up with this! 我再也受不了啦!

63. I never want to see your face again! 我再也不要見到你!

64. That's terrible. 真糟糕!

65. Just look at what you've done! 看看你都做了些什麼!

66. I wish I had never met you. 我真後悔這輩子遇到你!

67. You're a disgrace. 你真丟人!

68. I'll never forgive you! 我永遠都不會饒恕你!

69. Don't nag me! 別在我面前嘮叨!

70. I'm sick of it. 我都膩了。

71. You're such a bitch! 你這個婊子!

72. Stop screwing/ fooling/ messing around! 別鬼混了!

73. Mind your own business! 管好你自己的事!

74. You're just a good for nothing bum! 你真是一個廢物!/ 你一無是處!

75. You've gone too far! 你太過分了!

76. I loathe you! 我討厭你!

77. I detest you! 我恨你!

78. Get the hell out of here! 滾開!

79. Don't be that way! 別那樣!

80. Can't you do anything right? 成事不足,敗事有餘。

81. You're impossible. 你真不可救藥。

82. Don't touch me! 別碰我!

83. Get away from me! 離我遠一點兒!

84. Get out of my life. 我不願再見到你。/ 從我的生活中消失吧。

85. You're a joke! 你真是一個小丑!

86. Don't give me your attitude. 別跟我擺架子。

87. You'll be sorry. 你會後悔的。

88. We're through. 我們完了!

89. Look at the mess you've made! 你搞得一團糟!

90. You've ruined everything. 全都讓你搞砸了。

91. I can't believe your never. 你好大的膽子!

92. You're away too far. 你太過分了。

93. I can't take you any more! 我再也受不了你啦!

94. I'm telling you for the last time! 我最後再告訴你一次!

95. I could kill you! 我宰了你!

96. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard! 那是我聽到的最愚蠢的事!

97. I can't believe a word you say. 我才不信你呢!

98. You never tell the truth! 你從來就不說實話!

99. Don't push me ! 別逼我!

100. Enough is enough! 夠了夠了!

101. Don't waste my time anymore. 別再浪費我的時間了!

102. Don't make so much noise. I’m working. 別吵,我在幹活。

103. It's unfair. 太不公平了。

104. I'm very disappointed. 真讓我失望。

105. Don't panic! 別怕!

106. What do you think you are doing? 你知道你在做什麼嗎?

107. Don't you dare come back again! 你敢再回來!

108. You asked for it. 你自找的。

109. Nonsense! 鬼話!

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